
On 6/4/2007 2:37 PM, Adam Cécile wrote:
> Lucio Crusca a écrit :
>> I'd like configure Bacula so that it turns off the computer after the SD has 
>> finished writing the backup. I'm running Debian GNU/Linux and Bacula 2.0.3. 
>> Is there a way to do that?
> RunAfterCmd ?

Definitely... I use the following in my office:

Job {
   Priority = 999
   Name = Shutdown
   Type = Admin
   Run Before Job = "/etc/bacula/shutdown.sh"
   Schedule = Shutdown
   Messages = Standard
   Storage = DLT
   Fileset = Alles
   Pool = Full
   Client = goblin-fd
   Max Start Delay = 20h
   Rerun Failed Levels = No

Note the high priority value.

bacula/[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root # cat /etc/bacula/shutdown.sh

if [ -f /var/bacula/server/allowshutdown ] ; then
     echo "Shutdown will take place..."
     /var/bacula/server/sched_downtime goblin "`date -d "now + 5 min" \
"+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`" "`date "-d tomorrow 8:12"`" 1 0 0 bacula \
"goblin turns off until tomorrow morning..."
     /sbin/shutdown -h -t 120 +6 &
     echo "Shutdown will not happen (/var/bacula/server/allowshutdown 
not present)"
exit 0

Most of the stuff in the script is for Nagios integration and you can 
safely ignore it... so your "Run Before Job" line could also simply be 
"/sbin/shutdown -h -t 120 +6 &" (I'm unsure about the & for background 
execution - at least it's better to have the shutdown in the background 
so Bacula can correctly finish the job and won't have a running job left 
in the catalog.)


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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