Andreas Helmcke wrote:
> On 21.06.2007 23:08, Brian Debelius wrote:
>> Why does bacula ask for a slot number to mount, when I mount my VXA 
>> autochanger?  It seems to me, that bacula should load whatever tape it 
>> feels appropriate automatically when the autochanger is loaded.  I 
>> usually just pick some random number to load, assuming that bacula will 
>> (it alwasy seems to) unload and load the correct tape when the scheduled 
>> jobs run.
> If you mount the tape to unlock a drive, which was locked due to an
> manual unmount you can use slot 0 for the mount.
> This will unlock the drive, so it can be used by bacula without loading
> a tape.
> Andreas
If I mount using slot 0, I receive the following, Is this the expect 

The defined Storage resources are:
     1: Disk0
     2: Disk1
     3: Tape
Select Storage resource (1-3): 3
Enter autochanger slot: 0
3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
3902 Cannot mount Volume on Storage Device "VXA-172" (Tape0) because:
Couldn't rewind device "VXA-172" (Tape0): ERR=../../stored/dev.c:767 
Rewind error on "VXA-172" (Tape0). ERR=Unknown error.
3905 Device "VXA-172" (Tape0) open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.

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