Dan Langille wrote:
> You say the jobs fail.  What is the "failure"?  Error message?
Below, I've pasted in a failure notification email that Bacula 
automatically sends.

   11-Jul 07:18 admin01-dir: Start Backup JobId 255, 
   11-Jul 01:19 app11-fd: DIR and FD clocks differ by -21547 seconds, FD 
automatically adjusting.
   11-Jul 01:19 app11-fd: ClientRunBeforeJob: run command 
"/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/snapshot make -g1 /var:autogen_bkup"
   11-Jul 01:22 app11-fd: ClientRunBeforeJob: mount: 
/var/.snap/autogen_bkup.0: Resource temporarily unavailable
   11-Jul 01:22 app11-fd: ClientRunBeforeJob: run command 
"/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/snapshot make -g1 /usr:autogen_bkup"
   11-Jul 01:24 app11-fd: ClientRunBeforeJob: run command 
"/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/snapshot mount /var:autogen_bkup 
   11-Jul 01:24 app11-fd: ClientRunBeforeJob: mount: /dev/md0: 
Input/output error
   11-Jul 01:24 app11-fd: ClientRunBeforeJob: snapshot:ERROR: unable to 
mount "/dev/md0" under "/mnt/var"
   11-Jul 01:24 app11-fd: app11_BSD.2007-07-10_23.35.04 Error: 
Runscript: ClientRunBeforeJob returned non-zero status=1. ERR=Child 
exited with code 1
   11-Jul 07:23 admin01-dir: app11_BSD.2007-07-10_23.35.04 Fatal error: 
Bad response to ClientRunBeforeJob command: wanted 2000 OK RunBefore
   , got 2905 Bad RunBeforeJob command.

   11-Jul 07:23 admin01-dir: app11_BSD.2007-07-10_23.35.04 Error: Bacula 
2.0.3 (06Mar07): 11-Jul-2007 07:23:21
     JobId:                  255
     Job:                    app11_BSD.2007-07-10_23.35.04
     Backup Level:           Differential, since=2007-07-10 07:32:06
     Client:                 "app11-fd" 2.0.3 (06Mar07) 
     FileSet:                "defaultBSD" 2007-07-09 23:05:00
     Pool:                   "Default" (From Job resource)
     Storage:                "storage01" (From Job resource)
     Scheduled time:         10-Jul-2007 23:35:03
     Start time:             11-Jul-2007 07:18:09
     End time:               11-Jul-2007 07:23:21
     Elapsed time:           5 mins 12 secs
     Priority:               10
     FD Files Written:       0
     SD Files Written:       0
     FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
     SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
     Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
     Software Compression:   None
     VSS:                    no
     Encryption:             no
     Volume name(s):              Volume Session Id:      95
     Volume Session Time:    1183747854
     Last Volume Bytes:      403,356,186,192 (403.3 GB)
     Non-fatal FD errors:    0
     SD Errors:              0
     FD termination status:       SD termination status:  OK
     Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
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