Doytchin Spiridonov wrote:
> Hello,
> Monday, July 23, 2007, 9:02:21 PM:
> FS> The first thing that I would try is unmounting the filesystem and 
> performing a
> FS> full fsck on it, to rule out filesystem corruption.
> not a problem with the FS or disks, checked that.
> Checked the logical content of the volumes as well (bls -k -v) - no
> errors. For curiosity as I don't know if bls should print errors if
> content is damaged, I changed one random byte of one volume to "0",
> run the bls and got an error: Block checksum mismatch in block=113
> len=64512: calc=2a576dc5 blk=44a509f3
> So I would say the 3 problems (files with wrong size, missing files
> and error about ID: "BB02") are not hardware/fs/disks related and are
> caused by a bug in Bacula and it is related to wrong positioning in
> the volumes and mismatched numbers.

Based on this and your other emails, I would next suspect a problem with the
catalog.  Again, I'd start by making sure no errors have crept in by doing a
consistency check at the database level - a 'repair tables' in mysql, or the
equivalent in postgresql.

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Network Engineer          |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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