(by accident, i have originally sent this email from the wrong account; 
i want to apologize beforehand, if it gets through 2 times)

hi all.

i added a new host to my bacula backup setup, but unfortunately the
backup fails, because the storage daemon resets the connection, after
some time (that is: after >20min have elapsed and >4GB have been written)

unfortunately i don't know _why_ the connection is reset. the 2 messages
i get are "Error reading data header from FD. ERR=No data available" and
"Packet size too big".

a quick google for the 1st error revealed zero results.
however the "packet size too big" error can be found in the bacula FAQ:
however, the described problem-sources do not seem to apply to my setup:
- no other application is using the port (else i wouldn't be able to
establish _any_ connection, would i?)
- i am not using a w32 client, but bacula  2.0.2-1 on debian/linux

furthermore: i haven't (yet) found anything indicating an error in the 
logs of the involved hosts (e.g. no disk failures,...)

my setup:
- file-daemon:
                debian/sarge with bacula-2.0.2-1
                CPU: AMD XP1900+
                memory: 1GB
                the disk on this machine is NOT super fast

- storage-daemon=director:
                debian/etch with bacula-2.0.2-1
                CPU: 4*Intel Xeon 2.0GHz
                memory: 1GB

- storage-backend:
                Quantum SuperLoader3 equipped with 15 DLT-S4 tapes

- connection:

i noticed that in the sd-configuration, the "Spool Directory" pointed to
a non-existant directory.

another host in the same bacula setup does a weekly differential backup 
with >60GB (this is the size of the backup, not of the data to be 
backuped) and does not have any problems)

any ideas what could be the source of my problem?
any way to fix it?


PS: this is an excerpt of the error-report:

01-Oct 10:02 backup-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "AAB129S4" at
01-Oct 10:26 backup-sd: zope.2007-10-01_09.58.21 Fatal error:
append.c:158 Error reading data header from FD. ERR=No data available
01-Oct 10:26 backup-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:24:05, Transfer rate
= 3.201 M bytes/second
01-Oct 10:26 backup-sd: zope.2007-10-01_09.58.21 Fatal error: bnet.c:241
Packet size too big from "client: Terminating connection.
01-Oct 10:26 zope-fd: zope.2007-10-01_09.58.21 Fatal error: backup.c:860
Network send error to SD. ERR=Die Verbindung wurde vom
Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt
01-Oct 10:26 backup-dir: zope.2007-10-01_09.58.21 Error: Bacula 2.0.2
(28Jan07): 01-Oct-2007 10:26:32
   JobId:                  318
   Job:                    zope.2007-10-01_09.58.21
   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
   Client:                 "zope-fd" 2.0.2 (28Jan07)
   FileSet:                "FullLinux" 2007-05-04 10:07:19
   Pool:                   "FullPool" (From Job FullPool override)
   Storage:                "SuperLoader" (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time:         01-Oct-2007 09:58:18
   Start time:             01-Oct-2007 09:58:24
   End time:               01-Oct-2007 10:26:32
   Elapsed time:           28 mins 8 secs
   Priority:               10
   FD Files Written:       74,886
   SD Files Written:       74,886
   FD Bytes Written:       4,616,552,688 (4.616 GB)
   SD Bytes Written:       4,625,674,952 (4.625 GB)
   Rate:                   2734.9 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   VSS:                    no
   Encryption:             no
   Volume name(s):         AAB129S4
   Volume Session Id:      33
   Volume Session Time:    1190215557
   Last Volume Bytes:      11,307,405,312 (11.30 GB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
   SD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  Error
   SD termination status:  Error
   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

IEM - network operation center

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