Thank Alan,
But this is not exactly what they want.
Before version 2.2x version bacula did always automatically the pruning job for 
all media that have their prune time ellapsed.

so status-director show on which volume it would start.

Actually until the last moment (until the job start, bacula doesn't want to 
prune expired volumes).
When the job start, it do it correctly alone.
At the momemt the job start there's should be already prune volums. But they 

so a prune-all command inside the bconsole would be the feature needed.

Any ideas how to make it.

Alan Brown wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Bruno Friedmann wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'me looking for a way to emaulate the auto prune (automatic and for
>> all media in all pools) command in director. To recover the same
>> behaviour there's in version 1.38x - 2.0x.
>> This is needed by some customer to know what media should be inserted
>> for the evening night when they issue the status director on morning.
> They don't need that to know what's needed to insert. What they need to
> know is which volumes are past their retention period and eligiible for
> pruning.
> Here's what I use:
> Query.sql
> These 2 are standard, tweaked for published LTO aging parameters
> # 15
> :List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer
> SELECT VolumeName AS Volume,ROUND(VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024)) AS GB,Slot,
>   VolStatus AS Status,LEFT(LastWritten,10) AS LastWritten,
> Media.VolRetention),10) AS Expiry
>   FROM Media,Pool,Storage
>   WHERE Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
>   AND Slot>0 AND InChanger=1
>   AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
>   ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Volstatus ASC, VolumeName ASC, Slot ASC;
> # 16
> :List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors
> SELECT VolumeName AS Volume,VolMounts AS Mounts,VolErrors AS Errors,
>          VolWrites AS Writes,VolStatus AS Status
>   FROM Media
>   WHERE (VolErrors>0) OR (VolStatus='Error') OR (VolMounts>5000) OR
>          (VolStatus='Disabled') OR (VolWrites>399999999)
>   ORDER BY VolStatus ASC, VolErrors,VolMounts,VolumeName DESC;
> #  18
> :List Volumes Bacula thinks should be removed from changer
> SELECT VolumeName,VolStatus AS Status, ROUND(VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024))
> AS GB,
>   LEFT(LastWritten,10) AS LastWritten,
> Media.VolRetention),10) AS Expiry,
>   Slot
> ##,Storage.Name AS Location
>   FROM Media,Pool,Storage
>   WHERE Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
>   AND Slot>0 AND InChanger=1
>   AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
>             + (Media.VolRetention * .98)), NOW()) > 5
>       AND ((VolStatus='Used') OR (VolStatus='Full')))
>       OR (VolStatus='Disabled')
>       OR (VolStatus='Error'))
>   ORDER BY VolumeName ASC, Slot ASC;
> This lists volumes which will expire in the next 7-10 days
> #  19
> :List Volumes Bacula thinks are eligible for the changer
> SELECT VolumeName,VolStatus as Status,
> ###Storage.Name AS Location,
>   ROUND(VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024)) AS GB,LEFT(LastWritten,10) AS
> LastWritten,
> Media.VolRetention),10) AS Expiry
>   FROM Media,Pool,Storage
>   WHERE Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
> #  AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
>   AND InChanger=0
>   AND Storage.Name='MSL6000-changer'
>   AND ((VolStatus='Purged') OR (VolStatus='Append') OR
> (VolStatus='Recycle')
>             + (Media.VolRetention * .98)), NOW()) <= 5)
>   ORDER BY VolumeName ASC, Pool.Name ASC, VolMounts ASC
> I put them all into a shell script I call checklibrary:
> # cat /usr/local/bin/checklibrary
> #!/bin/sh
> echo Tapes to add to changer:
> echo -e query\\\n19 | /usr/sbin/bconsole  -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf |
> grep -B1 -C1 \|
> echo Tapes to remove from changer:
> echo -e query\\\n18 | /usr/sbin/bconsole  -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf |
> grep -B1 -C1 \|
> echo Tapes currently in changer:
> echo -e query\\\n15 | /usr/sbin/bconsole  -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf |
> grep -B1 -C1 \|
> It's rough and ready but it works for me. :)


     Bruno Friedmann  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ioda-Net Sàrl   -
  2830 Vellerat - Switzerland

  Tél : ++41 32 435 7171
  Fax : ++41 32 435 7172
  gsm : ++41 78 802 6760

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