On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:06:00 -0600 Ed Davison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The catalog is just stored in SQL so a query of the tables should be 
> able to give you what you want.  I had done this before and it took 
> some time to understand the relationships but it is not very 
> complicated.
> I am using MySQL and some of the fields do not display in my client as
> they are text/blob fields so they have to be converted.  Here is the 
> last SQL query I used for filenames as a starting point:

that worked perfectly, i changed it a bit to be more printable friendly:

select jobid AS ID, convert(job,char) AS Name, convert(name,char) AS Job, 
jobfiles AS Files, jobbytes AS Bytes, convert(jobstatuslong,char) AS Status 
from Job j, Status s where j.jobstatus = s.jobstatus AND j.JobID=30;

You can remove or change the last "j.JobID=" based on your needs.

thanks for the help!

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