Aimon Bustardo wrote:
> bconsole v. 2.0.3
> Hello all, I have been trying to do a recovery from tape for the past
> few days. It has been cataloging for 2 days now. It is about a 1TB svn
> repo (many, many small files). Could it be stuck? The progress bar is
> still going, and CPU levels are high. How long can this take? Also if I
> know exactly what job and which dir I want recovered do I have to wait
> for the cataloging? Can I request the dir directly somehow?

Older versions were known to sometimes take a very long time to set up restore
trees.  It may actually be faster to cancel the current restore, and upgrade
to the latest version (2.2.8) and try again.  The 2.2.x code should speed up
building the restore tree from the catalog by as much as 500 times faster.

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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