Ryan Novosielski schrieb:

The other machine, which has been producing that error intermittently
almost from the beginning, says:
xenon-dir Version: 2.2.5 (09 October 2007) i686-suse-linux-gnu suse 10.2
That one was compiled by myself and is using SQLite.

Example message from that one:

16-Feb 14:09 xenon-dir: Fatal Error at sql_get.c:580 because:
rwl_writelock failure. stat=22: ERR=Invalid argument
16-Feb 14:09 xenon-dir: ERROR in mem_pool.c:163 Failed ASSERT: obuf
16-Feb 14:09 xenon-dir: Fatal Error because: Bacula interrupted by
signal 11: Segmentation violation

The "Failed ASSERT" line is not always present, though. Sometimes I see

02-Feb 15:28 xenon-dir: ABORTING due to ERROR in smartall.c:194 double
free from smartall.c:328

in its place, sometimes it's just the "rwl_writelock" and "signal 11"
lines like on vm-backup.

If your binaries are not stripped, I'd do a backtrace. Usually that is
helpful for a bug report.

My self-compiled binaries aren't stripped (and if they were I could
of course easily recreate them unstripped) but I'm not sure how I
would backtrace that crash. It doesn't look as if it left a core dump
anywhere. Are you suggesting that I run bacula-dir in gdb? Do I need
any command line options for that, for example to prevent it from
forking? Should I set any breakpoints or is it enough to wait for the
SIGSEGV and then type `where'?


Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH                             www.phoenixsoftware.de
53227 Bonn, Germany                            Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 2934

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