Hi all

This is my first try on restoring piped dumps from postgres as created by 

Well is i said in my last message when you try restoring those backups you 
merely get fifos!!

so i wondered if should be posible create a listening process on the fifo prior 
to restoring...

So The wiki job for bakups..

Job {
  Name = "PostgreSQL Backup"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Level = Full
  Client = quasar-fd
  Pool = FILESRV02
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  # This creates a backup of the databases with pg_dump to fifos
  Client Run Before Job = "su - postgres -c 
  # This deletes the backup and fifo files
  Client Run After Job  = "su - postgres -c 
  Priority = 17                   # run after main backup

is completed with a new restore job

Job {
    Name = "PostgreSQL Restore"
    Type = Restore
    Client = quasar-fd                  # Just let void or put your info here
    FileSet="quasar-postgres"     # Just let void or put your info here
    Level = Full
    Pool = FILESRV02                   # Just let void or put your info here
    # This creates a restore to fifos
    Client Run Before Job = "su - postgres -c 
    # This deletes the restored fifo files
    Client Run After Job  = "su - postgres -c 
    Messages = Standard
    Where = /
    Priority = 17                   # run after main backup

thats create reading proceses on hte fifos waiting for data to come in...


exec > /dev/null
export PGUSER=postgres
#export PGPASSWORD=xxxx                       # only when pg_hba.conf requires 

rm -f $FIFODIR/*.data.dump
for dbname in `psql -d template1 -q -t <<EOF
select datname from pg_database where not datname in ('bacula','template0') 
order by datname;
 mkfifo $FIFODIR/$dbname.schema.dump
 /bin/dd if="$FIFODIR/$dbname.schema.dump" of="$FIFODIR/$dbname.schema.custom" 
2>&1 < /dev/null &
 mkfifo $FIFODIR/$dbname.data.dump
 /bin/dd if="$FIFODIR/$dbname.data.dump" of="$FIFODIR/$dbname.data.custom" 2>&1 
< /dev/null &

and a post resore job that clean things up..


for dbname in `psql -U postgres -d template1 -q -t <<EOF
select datname from pg_database where not datname in ('bacula','template0') 
order by datname;
 kill `ps aux | fgrep "dd" | fgrep " $dbname.schema.dump" | awk '{print $2}'`
 rm -f $FIFODIR/$dbname.schema.dump
 kill `ps aux | fgrep "dd" | fgrep " $dbname.data.dump" | awk '{print $2}'`
 rm -f $FIFODIR/$dbname.data.dump
rm -f $DUMPDIR/globalobjects.dump

As im testing this, i just changed the restoring pg_dump for a not so dangerous 
dd to extract to disk data comeing from the pipes.

YMMV but ive just backed up my postgres databases and later i managed to 
restore only the single file contaning schemas from one of the databases 
once again i marked another file in the backup (shoed as fifos with 0 bytes) 
and my data came up without trouble... 
Ive attached all the files, please don hesitate contact on any question. Anyone 
with proper permissions, please upload this to wiki.

Regards Angel

No imprima este correo si no es necesario. El medio ambiente está en nuestras 
    Clist UAH a.k.a Angel

MySQL3: Bueno, realmente ¿para que necesitas transacciones? 

Attachment: postgres.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

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