Hello folks,

we're experiencing massive problems backing up an ocfs2 cluster
filesystem mounted on SLES 10 SP2 machines located on a shared SAN
storage). The cluster has 8 members, and we've already tried certain
mount options (noatime et al.) in an attempt to improve performance,
however bacula's transfer speeds drop down into the double kb / sec
digits when it encounters directories which contain many small files
(say about 20,000 per dir or so).

The backup server in question is a Compaq dl360 (CentOS 5.2 on x86_64)
which provides usually excellent performance when backing up other
non-ocfs2 fileystems, so I was wondering if anyone has developed a
successful strategy for backing up ocfs2 clusters (we're talking 160gb
here, no it's not really a huge amount of data). 

Bacula Version used is 2.2.8 compiled from source, the file daemon on
the target machine claims it's version 
Version: 2.4.3 (10 October 2008)  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu suse 10

Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions on this matter. 

All the best, 


uwe.schuerk...@nionex.net phone: [+49] 5242.91- 4740  fax:-9722
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