Attached, please find updates to which
was in the examples/reports directory in the source distribution.
I run this script once a week, after the log has been rotated
by my systems logrotate script.

I've tweaked the display formatting quite a bit.  Rather than
displaying the full job level I've done:
 F   = Full
 D   = Differential
 I   = Incrmental
 I2F = Full (upgraded from Incremental)
 D2F = Full (upgraded from Incremental)

For completion status I've shorted these as well to:
 OK        = OK
 OK-Verify = Verify OK
 OK-Warn   = Ok -- with warnings
 M-OK      = Migration OK
 M-Error   = Migration Error

I've changed the Start and End times to include the day
and month, to cover jobs that run long (more than 24 hours).

Sample output (excerpts):
Client         Status    Type  StartTime        EndTime          Files      
homer          OK-Warn   I     01-Mar-22:00:03  01-Mar-22:20:28  1,049      
637,371,688        (637.3  MB)
wiggum         OK        I     02-Mar-02:01:03  02-Mar-02:02:11  26         
73,035             (73.03  KB)
harvbannister  OK-Warn   F     02-Mar-02:30:02  02-Mar-02:40:16  298,076    
8,937,733,774      (8.937  GB)
dataless       OK        F     02-Mar-03:00:00  02-Mar-06:13:48  212,695    
129,185,742,611    (129.1  GB)
bart           OK        I2F   06-Mar-20:00:02  06-Mar-22:59:04  1,484,236  
91,154,841,692     (91.15  GB)
homer          OK-Warn   I2F   06-Mar-22:59:06  07-Mar-07:01:35  2,147,092  
765,068,201,965    (765.0  GB)
mrlombardo     OK        D2F   12-Mar-21:00:00  12-Mar-23:48:29  1,277      
60,076,971,159     (60.07  GB)
tibor          Canceled  F     12-Mar-23:50:31  13-Mar-10:32:35  0          0   
               (0      B)
tibor          M-OK      F     17-Mar-17:19:42  17-Mar-17:21:09  58,134     
2,477,312,248      (2.477  GB)
tibor          M-Error   F     17-Mar-17:23:01  17-Mar-17:23:01  0          0   
               (0      B)
bart           OK        D     17-Mar-20:00:02  17-Mar-20:10:35  756        
535,593,805        (535.5  MB)
sherri         Error     F     19-Mar-12:25:59  20-Mar-22:24:01  147,641    
1,390,032,423,344  (1.390  TB)
centra         OK-Warn   D     23-Mar-17:00:03  23-Mar-17:00:21  0          0   
               (0      B)
adilhoxha      OK        I     23-Mar-18:30:56  23-Mar-18:36:23  65         
3,456,362,879      (3.456  GB)

I hope someone finds this to be useful.


"Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Unveil New Alert System"
 - Subject of recent SPAM message
         John M. Lockard |  U of Michigan - School of Information
 Unix and Security Admin |      1214 SI North - 1075 Beal Ave. |        Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2112 |     734-615-8776 | 734-647-8045 FAX

Description: Bourne shell script

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