ZMike schrieb:
> Oleg Gawriloff wrote:
>> We have test setup with 2 clients. Each of them must be backed up to 
>> separate volume (disk file). For this we using following config 
>> (attached). The problem is: when backup schedule time arrived and 2nd 
>> client have problems (for example turned-off) director _first_ creates 
>> new volume for this client and only then tries to connect to file daemon 
>> on this client. Which results in empty volume with status append. Then 
>> when next  backup time arrives for 1st client - director see that append 
>> volume exists and does not create separate volume for this. Its 
>> unacceptable. Any ideas how in any stance backup for each client goes 
>> only to its volumes?
> Create two different pools?
> Also, it looks like you're trying to do catalogue' job in your pool 
> definition. Are you sure you want to duplicate this?
>> Pool {
>>    Pool Type = Backup
>>    Storage = MAIN-STORAGE
>>    Maximum Volume Jobs = 1 # Make new volume for each new backup
>>    Auto Prune = yes
>>    Volume Retention = 1 month
>>    Recycle = yes
>>    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>    RecyclePool = STORAGE-POOL-RESERVE
>>    Label Format = 
>> "${Client}-Level-${Level}-${Hour}-${Minute}-${Day}-${Month}-${Year}"
>> }
> wbr Mike
Even using 2 pools will result in the name of the volume not being
consistent over time. The Volume would still be created on the first run
and used on the second run if your client is turned off on the first run
and the Time / Date in the Volume name will have nothing to do with the
actual data on it.

Once the first Volume gets recycled its all over.

I tried using this approach as well when i started with bacula, but gave
up on it. As the docs say, stop trying to fight it and try thinking the
way the scheduler currently does.

I guess you are trying to take the disk volumes to tape eventually,
based on their filename. If that is so, check out copy / migration jobs,
which might do what you are trying to force via filenames.

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