Hello Folk,

    I'm tweaking a full off-site backup design (with Incrementals
Forever, off of weekly Differentials), and I've stumbled across a
restoration problem [still learning, forgive me] - the problem generally
is, the Full Backups I've performed (which are manually set to be
retained for 20 years), of which were dated two months old now, aren't
visible in BAT's Version Browser because, well frankly, it appears the
retention for those files was only set to 30 days on the client

    (Quick question:  The "Restore from Volume" process - is this what
we would use if we wanted to just restore from that Full volume? If so
then skip the rest of this, I just suspected there was no way to restore
specific files from those volumes if file retention on the client
directive was specified for only 30 days...and that's what I'm after...)

    So I've decided to investigate a new approach to the configuration.
I'm setting the Pools to have a 20 year Volume retention, while the
Clients are also set to have 20 year job retention and 20 year file
retention - here's the snag...it doesn't appear that I can specify an
override on specific pools or schedules for these 20 year job/file
retention specifications. (Is there a secret sneaky way of getting
around this, like setting the client to 20 years, doing full backup,
then setting client to 30 days/whatever and reloading the director?)

    Effectively, what I fear this means, with a 20 year file/job
retention client config, is that as the Full Base Backups are completely
available for 20 years, and although the volumes for Weekly
Differentials are dumped after a month, as well as Volumes for Daily
Incrementals which are dumped after a week...the File system itself
(Backing up to Disk) is going to just keep expanding for twenty years,
never overwriting/purging/pruning the jobs/files for these weekly/daily

    What I hope for:  Some way to declare File Retention Overrides
during scheduling, or via Pools, instead of the Client directive...can
it be done?

Here's an example of a config, see my ###commented out portions for the

Schedule { 
    Name = Hanoi3 
    Run = Level=Full Pool=Inc-Pool mon-fri at 08:00 
    Run = Level=Full Pool=Diff-Pool sat at 08:00 

Client {

  Name = client-fd
  Address = client
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = " *** CHANGE ME ***"
  AutoPrune = yes      # Prune expired Jobs/Files
  Job Retention = 6 months
###  Job Retention = 20 years
  File Retention = 60 days
###  File Retention = 20 years

Pool {
  Name = Full-Pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes           # automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes         # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 20 years
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Label Format = Full-
  Maximum Volumes = 9

Pool {
  Name = Inc-Pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes           # automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes         # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 20 days
###  Job Retention = 1 year
###  File Retention = 1 week
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 6
  Label Format = Inc-
  Maximum Volumes = 7

Pool {
  Name = Diff-Pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 40 days
###  Job Retention = 1 year
###  File Retention = 1 month
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Label Format = Diff-
  Maximum Volumes = 10

        All and any input are highly appreciated in advance!

Shawn Qureshi
Artemide, Inc.
IT Specialist
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