Hi, with all your informations, it seems you get the right package.

It could be 2 things, a pb of right between the director and mysql.
And trouble with right as bacula should run now director and sd as non root.

Just check the /var/lib/bacula and dir where you store backup are owned by the 
bacula user.

Next try to connect to mysql with bacula user to be sure the database doesn't 
reject connexion.
( it normally issue a error in this case )
su bacula; mysql bacula;
mysql>select * from Version;

Otherwise, I don't have a idea ...
Perharps starting daemon in foreground with some level of debug, would give 
more informations.

Bartosz.C wrote:
>>> Just check if you have the right director !
>>> Normally if the wrong ( using an empty sqlite db ) a list media should
> show empty
> dpkg -l | grep bacula
> ii  bacula-common                     2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - common support fil
> ii  bacula-console                    2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - text console
> ii  bacula-director-common            2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - Director common fi
> ii  bacula-director-mysql             2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - MySQL storage for
> ii  bacula-fd                         2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - file daemon
> ii  bacula-sd                         2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - storage daemon
> ii  bacula-sd-mysql                   2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - MySQL SD tools
> dpkg -l | grep mysql
> ii  bacula-director-mysql             2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - MySQL storage for
> ii  bacula-sd-mysql                   2.4.4-1                  network
> backup, recovery and verification - MySQL SD tools
> ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                 4.007-1                  A Perl5
> database interface to the MySQL database
> ii  libmysqlclient15off               5.0.51a-24+lenny2        MySQL
> database client library
> ii  mysql-client-5.0                  5.0.51a-24+lenny2        MySQL
> database client binaries
> ii  mysql-common                      5.0.51a-24+lenny2        MySQL
> database common files
> ii  mysql-server                      5.0.51a-24+lenny2        MySQL
> database server (metapackage depending on the latest ver
> ii  mysql-server-5.0                  5.0.51a-24+lenny2        MySQL
> database server binaries
> In etch-n-half distribution I had:
> dpkg -l | grep bacula
> ii  bacula-common                      1.38.11-8
> Network backup, recovery and verification (C
> ii  bacula-console                     1.38.11-8
> Network backup, recovery and verification (M
> ii  bacula-director-common             1.38.11-8
> Network backup, recovery and verification (D
> ii  bacula-director-mysql              1.38.11-8
> Network backup, recovery and verification (D
> ii  bacula-fd                          1.38.11-8
> Network backup, recovery and verification (F
> It looks pretty the same like new one - except number of the versions.
> So your question confuse me now I really do not know, do I have a right
> bacula-director? :)
>>> Did you ensure that the database have been updated by the script
>>> a mysql sql select * from Version; should return 10 for a 2.4.4 version.
> No, the data base was not updated, I deleted it and created new one.
> I simply have changed distribution from etch-n-half to lenny so everything
> consider databases has been started from the beginning.
> And database is empty (or was empty since last Friday). Its really weird for
> me - cause all worked fine on  previous version.
> (except bugs of course - which by the way help me to make decision to
> upgrade the backup system)
> I will be grateful for any clue.
> Bartosz.
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Bruno Friedmann <br...@ioda-net.ch> wrote:
>> Hi Bartosz,
>> Just two remarks, I've seen you are using the debian packages, and
>> sometimes ago, another user have just made
>> an update on this os. Result he was going from bacula-mysql to
>> bacula-sqlite ...
>> Just check if you have the right director !
>> Normally if the wrong ( using an empty sqlite db ) a list media should show
>> empty ...
>> Ok we admit you have the good director/mysql.
>> Did you ensure that the database have been updated by the script
>> a mysql sql select * from Version; should return 10 for a 2.4.4 version.
>> If not, try to find the upgrade script update_bacula_tables normally in
>> /usr/lib[64]/bacula
>> Hope this help a bit
>> Bartosz.C wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have more or less working version of bacula 1.38.11 which looks like:
>>> pc1 - bacula-fd, bacula-console,bacula-director-mysql, mysql
>>> pc2 - bacula-sd
>>> pc5-10 - bacula-fd writing to pc2
>>> pc3 - bacula-sd
>>> pc10-15 - bacula-fd writing to pc3
>>> I decided to change it to 2.4.4 cause to many bugs in previous version
>>> and now it looks like
>>> pc1 - bacula-fd,
>>> pc2 - bacula-sd, bacula-console,bacula-director-mysql, mysql
>>> pc5-10 - bacula-fd writing to pc2
>>> pc3 - bacula-sd
>>> pc10-15 - bacula-fd writing to pc3
>>> I have copied all configs to new server, and everything is working
>>> fine exept backups from pc10-15,
>>> Now I'm getting error:
>> *************************************************************************************
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: No prior Full backup Job record
>> found.
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: No prior or suitable Full backup
>>> found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: Start Backup JobId 63,
>>> Job=TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: Using Device "backup3-trn_file"
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: Fatal error: catreq.c:344
>>> Invalid Catalog request: CatReq
>>> Job=TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 UpdateMedia
>>> VolName=TygWymiatacz-0003 VolJobs=0 VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=1
>>> VolMounts=1 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=1 MaxVolBytes=0 EndTime=1252928894
>>> VolStatus=Append Slot=0 relabel=1 InChanger=0 VolReadTime=0
>>> VolWriteTime=0 VolParts=0
>>> 14-wrz 13:48 fw-trn-sd: TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 Fatal
>>> error: Error getting Volume info: 1990 Invalid Catalog Request: CatReq
>>> Job=TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 UpdateMedia
>>> VolName=TygWymiatacz-0003 VolJobs=0 VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=1
>>> VolMounts=1 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=1 MaxVolBytes=0 EndTime=1252928894
>>> VolStatus=Append Slot=0 relabel=1 InChanger=0 VolReadTime=0
>>> VolWriteTime=0 VolParts=0
>>> 14-wrz 13:48 fw-trn-sd: Marking Volume "" in Error in Catalog.
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: Fatal error: catreq.c:344
>>> Invalid Catalog request: CatReq
>>> Job=TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 UpdateMedia
>>> VolName=TygWymiatacz-0003 VolJobs=0 VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=0
>>> VolMounts=0 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=0 MaxVolBytes=0 EndTime=1252928894
>>> VolStatus=Error Slot=0 relabel=0 InChanger=0 VolReadTime=0
>>> VolWriteTime=0 VolParts=0
>>> 14-wrz 13:47 wymiatacz-fd JobId 63: Fatal error: job.c:1817 Bad
>>> response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
>>> , got 3903 Error append data
>>> 14-wrz 13:48 fw-trn-sd: TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 Fatal
>>> error: Error getting Volume info: 1990 Invalid Catalog Request: CatReq
>>> Job=TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 UpdateMedia
>>> VolName=TygWymiatacz-0003 VolJobs=0 VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=0
>>> VolMounts=0 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=0 MaxVolBytes=0 EndTime=1252928894
>>> VolStatus=Error Slot=0 relabel=0 InChanger=0 VolReadTime=0
>>> VolWriteTime=0 VolParts=0
>>> 14-wrz 13:48 fw-trn-sd: TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03 Fatal
>>> error: Job 63 canceled.
>>> 14-wrz 13:53 backup-wro-dir JobId 63: Error: Bacula backup-wro-dir
>>> 2.4.4 (28Dec08): 14-wrz-2009 13:53:22
>>>   Build OS:               i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 5.0
>>>   JobId:                  63
>>>   Job:                    TygWymiatacz.2009-09-14_13.53.17.03
>>>   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
>>>   Client:                 "wymiatacz-fd" 2.4.4 (28Dec08)
>>> i486-pc-linux-gnu,debian,5.0
>>>   FileSet:                "SystemOnly_trn" 2009-09-12 01:02:00
>>>   Pool:                   "TygWymiatacz" (From Job resource)
>>>   Storage:                "backup3-trn" (From Job resource)
>>>   Scheduled time:         14-wrz-2009 13:53:07
>>>   Start time:             14-wrz-2009 13:53:21
>>>   End time:               14-wrz-2009 13:53:22
>>>   Elapsed time:           1 sec
>>>   Priority:               10
>>>   FD Files Written:       0
>>>   SD Files Written:       0
>>>   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>>>   SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>>>   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>>>   Software Compression:   None
>>>   VSS:                    no
>>>   Storage Encryption:     no
>>>   Volume name(s):
>>>   Volume Session Id:      2
>>>   Volume Session Time:    1252925453
>>>   Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
>>>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>>>   SD Errors:              0
>>>   FD termination status:  Error
>>>   SD termination status:  Error
>>>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
>> ************************************************************************************************
>>> And rest of error looks exactly the same.
>>> my configs concider this case:
>> ************************************************************************************************
>>> bacula-dir.conf (
>>> ********************
>>> FileSet {
>>>   Name = "SystemOnly_trn"
>>>   Include {
>>>     Options {
>>>       signature = MD5
>>>       onefs = no
>>>     }
>>>     File = /
>>>   }
>>>   Exclude {
>>>     File = /proc
>>>     File = /dev
>>>     File = /tmp
>>>     File = /.journal
>>>     File = /.fsck
>>>     File = /sys
>>>     File = /home
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Client {
>>>   Name = wymiatacz-fd
>>>   Address =
>>>   FDPort = 9102
>>>   Catalog = MyCatalog
>>>   Password = "password_for_fd"          # password for FileDaemon
>>>   File Retention = 30 days            # 30 days
>>>   Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
>>>   AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files
>>> }
>>> Storage {
>>>   Name = backup3-trn
>>>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>>>   Address =
>>>   SDPort = 9103
>>>   Password = "password_for_sd"
>>>   Device = backup3-trn_file
>>>   Media Type = File
>>> }
>>> Pool {
>>>   Name = TygWymiatacz
>>>   Pool Type = Backup
>>>   Recycle = yes
>>>   AutoPrune = yes
>>>   Volume Retention = 6 days
>>>   Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
>>>   Label Format = TygWymiatacz-
>>>   Maximum Volumes = 8
>>> }
>>> Job {
>>>   Name = "TygWymiatacz"
>>>   Client = wymiatacz-fd
>>>   Storage = backup3-trn
>>>   Pool = TygWymiatacz
>>>   Level = Incremental
>>>   Type = Backup
>>>   FileSet="SystemOnly_trn"
>>>   Schedule = "TygWymiatacz"
>>>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
>>>   Priority = 10
>>>   Messages = Standard
>>> }
>>> Schedule {
>>>   Name = "TygWymiatacz"
>>>   Run = Full sun at 1:02
>>>   Run = Incremental mon-sat at 1:02
>>> }
>> ************************************************************************************************
>>> bacula-fd (
>>> ****************
>>> Director {
>>>   Name = backup-wro-dir
>>>     Password = "password_for_fd"
>>>     }
>>> Director {
>>>   Name = wymiatacz-mon
>>>   Password = "OWQrB2VMaoOQuB5qra+kWGzrfJ5nMfK+GVMvu1snxK7E"
>>>   Monitor = yes
>>> }
>>> FileDaemon {                          # this is me
>>>   Name = wymiatacz-fd
>>>   FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
>>>   WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
>>>   Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula
>>>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>>>   FDAddress =
>>> }
>>> Messages {
>>>   Name = Standard
>>>   director = backup-wro-dir = all, !skipped, !restored
>>> }
>> ************************************************************************************************
>>> bacula-sd (
>>> ****************
>>> Storage {                             # definition of myself
>>>   Name = fw-trn-sd
>>>   SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
>>>   WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
>>>   Pid Directory = "/var/run/bacula"
>>>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>>>   SDAddress =
>>> }
>>> Director {
>>>     Name = backup-wro-dir
>>>     Password = "password_for_sd"
>>> }
>>> Device {
>>>     Name = backup3-trn_file
>>>     Media Type = File
>>>     Archive Device = /virtual/backup
>>>     LabelMedia = yes;
>>>     Random Access = yes;
>>>     AutomaticMount = yes;
>>>     RemovableMedia = no;
>>>     AlwaysOpen = yes;
>>> }
>>> Messages {
>>>     Name = Standard
>>>     director = backup-wro-dir = all, debug
>>> }
>> ************************************************************************************************
>>> additional information:
>>> When I try bconsole -> status -> all, I don't get any errors,
>>> bacula-director can communicate with all clients and storages
>>> properly.
>>> What can I do to start it working again?

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