
21.10.2009 08:42, Robert Backhaus wrote:
> Hello all,
> i want to backup mysql binlog files "incremetally". We wrote a script
> (binlog-backup), which flush the logs and writes the backupfiles to 
> restore.info.
> <config> 
> ClientRunBeforeJob= "/usr/local/bin/binlog-backup"
> Include {
>   Options { signature = SHA1 }
>   File = "\\</data/mysql-binlog/restore.info"
> }
> </config>
> Now i have the effect: the bacula job reads restore.info before running the
> script. the result is: i backup the files a job later. An additional cronjob 
> on
> the client, i want to avoid. Currently my approach is to schedule 2 jobs: 
> with 
> ClientRunBeforeJob to create the filelist and backup a zero directory and a
> second (5 min later )to backup the files from restore.info. 
> 1) Is there a way to configure bacula, to do the Clientrunbeforjob and than 
> reads
> the filelist?

None that I know. Might be a nice feature request.

> 2) Is there a way to pass paramtere/variables (files to backup)  to bacula

The way you do it is the "right" one, I think.

> 3) Any other hints?

Yes... the way I do this sort of thing is to prepare the backup in a 
script that also lists the files to back up. Essentially the job 
preparation is moved from the Job resource to the FileSet one.

The file set is dynamically generated, not stored in a file, but the 
script just prints all the files that it prepared to stdout, and 
Bacula picks that up as its list of files to back up.

In the configuration, it looks a bit messy because you don't easily 
see that there is some work done before the backup can start, but it's 



> Robert
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Arno Lehmann
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