Are there any odd limitations in the bconsole (both 'restore' and 'estimate 
listing' sections) browsing with regard to large files, such as VMware disk 

I've just stumbled onto this oddity...

# ls -l pituitary-flat.vmdk
-rw-r----- 1 root root 21474836480 Nov 17 15:27 pituitary-flat.vmdk

So that file size is over 21GB

When I go into bconsole restore and browse that directory I get...

doing an estimate listing (chopping out only the file I'm talking about) I 

-rw-r-----   1 root     root    2147483648 2009-11-17 15:21:37 

doing a restore then browsing to that file inside bconsole I also get

-rw-r-----   1 root     root    2147483648  2009-11-17 10:24:44 

I don't think it's sparse file, and bacula seems to be backing it up and 
restoring it properly as a 21GB file, just that it seems to display as 
exactly 1/10 the size, or perhaps it's just dropping trailing zeros when a 
file is bigger than 10GB?

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