
I'm running Bacula version 2.4.3 on a machine with a single tape
drive, and on occasion the tape will become full overnight.  'status
dir' shows the following:

    server1.YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS is waiting on max Storage jobs

Since the machine has plenty of space to spool the data, I'd like to
continue to spool to disk when the tape is full so despooling to tape
can take place when the tape is changed.

I have the following Maximum Concurrent Jobs set:

    bacula-dir.conf:   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    bacula-sd.conf:   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 30

If I understand the documentation correctly, raising dir.conf Maximum
Concurrent Jobs will interleave multiple backups to tape, which I want
to avoid.  Is there something obvious I've missed in the
documentation, or is Bacula expected to stop spooling to disk when the
tape is full?


Glen Barber

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