
I've run a restore job that has a bunch of files, in fact almost of
them was restored but I get error status:

16-Dec 11:25 supernoc-dir JobId 464: Error: Bacula supernoc-dir 2.4.3
(10Oct08): 16-Dec-2009 11:25:26
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:                  464
  Job:                    RestoreZpectroom.2009-12-16_10.29.06
  Restore Client:         zpectroom-fd
  Start time:             16-Dec-2009 10:29:35
  End time:               16-Dec-2009 11:25:26
  Files Expected:         69,185
  Files Restored:         69,161
  Bytes Restored:         2,434,584,481
  Rate:                   726.5 KB/s
  FD Errors:              25
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            *** Restore Error ***

 and some errors as follows:

16-Dec 10:34 spectrum-fd JobId 464: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not
hard link /extra/backup/restore/extramail/cyrus/e/user/eee1/67490. ->
/extra/backup/restore/extramail/cyrus/a/user/aa2/103366.: ERR=No such
file or directory

I know what is hard link , but even so I don't understand what do that
errors  mean....

Should I take care of that, or are they simply warnings?

Thanks in advance!
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Sergio Belkin -

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