
The source code tar files and the Windows (32/64) binaries for Bacula version 
5.0.0 have been released to Source Forge.  We are very pleased with this 
release for a number of reasons:

1. It is the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the Bacula Project

2. This is the first release that has been "cut" by someone other than me.  
Eric Bollengier did this one.

3. This release has a good number of important stablity enhancements as 
indicated by how few errors we have been seeing in the regresson tests.

4. More and more users are helping us test by running the regression tests 

5. There has been a significant number of contributions to this release -- in 
fact, the source code (SF git repo) contains patches in this version 
submitted by 21 people.  Many thanks, and please keep it up!

I have spent a good deal of effort trying to improve the Win32/64 install 
procedure.  However, there are a number of problems. Please be sure to look 
at the Warnings below -- particularly the fact that you must de-install the 
prior version *before* attempting to upgrade to the current version.

Thanks again to everyone for using Bacula and for all those who have 
contributed to the project.

Best regards,


               Release Notes for Bacula 5.0.0

  Bacula code: Total files = 1,081 Total lines = 217,272 (Using SLOCCount)

Release Numbering:
You might be wondering why this release jumps from 3.0.x to 
5.0.0 thus skipping version 4.0.0.  We have done this for 
several reasons: first, we wanted a way of distinguishing
the numbering system for the Bacula System Enterprise version
and the Bacula Project version.  So, to do so, we have decided
that the first number of the Bacula Project version will always
be odd, and the first number of the Enterprise version will always
be even. Thus the Bacula Project now moves from 3.0.x to 5.0.x.
In addition, we want to keep the Bacula Project version larger
than the Enterprise version to indicate that the Bacula Project
version is more advanced or has more features than the 
Enterprise version. For memory, the current Enterprise version
is 2.6.1, and the next release (in a few months -- before June 2010)
will be version 4.0.0.

Please note the three Warnings below before doing any install or

Changes since 3.0.3a (the last Bacula Project release):

Bug fixes:
1337 1351 1352 1354 1357 1361 1367 1369 1370 1373 
1376 1391 1403 1409 1420 1422 1427 1428 1431 1450 
1454 1455 1458 1456

 - Problem that locks the Director when the SMTP server wasn't 
   responding to the bsmtp program 
 - Restore's dir command shows incorrect file sizes 
 - Fix various problems with the reload command   
 - Fix problems with conio
 - Eliminate several deadlocks or potential race conditions from SD

 - Project 5: Truncate volume after purge
 - Project 6: File Deduplication using Base Jobs 
 - Project 10: Restore from Multiple Storage Daemons
 - Project 11: AllowCompression per Device
 - Project 23: Add Maximum Concurent Jobs for Devices to balance load 
   between drives
 - Add Accurate Fileset Options to configure accurate detection. Can use 
   checksum verification for example.
 - Allow FD to keep root read but drop write permission (CAP)
 - Secure handling of passwords for catalog backup
 - Add Tab-completion for Bconsole when using Readline
 - Add Bvfs API to query the catalog without building a memory tree
 - Add new speed test to btape program
 - Add new Bat screens (Autochanger content, Job view, Media view, ...)
 - Windows version of Bat
 - Added Spanish Bacula translation   
 - New bconsole -u nnn option to have timeout on commands
 - Allow Migrate, Copy, and Virtual Full to read and write
   to the same Pool
 - show disabled   -- shows disabled Jobs
 - Add Pool File and Job retention periods (take precedence over Client)
 - Many ACL improvements
 - Level added to FD status Job entry
 - Allow turning on/off Block Checksum per device
 - Set Device Poll interval to 5 minutes -- previously did not poll
 - Implement lock manager with bad order protection

As always, both the Director and Storage daemon must be upgraded at
the same time, and on any given machine, you must run only one version
of Bacula. This means that on the Director and Storage daemon machines,
you *must* upgrade your File daemon as well.

Older 3.0.x and possibly 2.4.x File Daemons are compatible with the 5.0.0
Director and Storage daemons. There should be no need to upgrade older File
Daemons immediately. However, we recommend that you do so as soon
as is reasonable for your situation.

================== Warning !!!!!! ==========================

New Catalog format in version 5.0.0 (3.1.9 or later)

This release of Bacula uses a new catalog format. We provide a set of
scripts that permit to convert a 3.0.x (version 11) catalog to 5.0.0 (version
12).  The Bacula project rpms distributed on Source Forge will automatically
detect the database change and do the upgrade for you.  We strongly
recommend that you save a copy of your existing database before upgrading
using rpms.

The simplest way to upgrade the database assuming you are building from
1. Stop any current version of Bacula from running.
2. Save a copy of your existing database.
3. Configure, build, and install the 5.0.0 version of Bacula
   Note the new ./configure options in the manuals see the link
   at the bottom of this file.
4. cd <your-scripts-installation-directory>
5. ./update_bacula_tables
6. If you have multiple catalogs, edit the update_bacula_tables
   script and put the name of another database, and then
   execute the script again. Repeat this until all Bacula
   catalogs have been updated.
7. Start the new Bacula.  If everything worked, it should
   not print any error messages.

If you start from scratch, you don't need to run the update_bacula_tables
script because the create_bacula_tables script automatically creates the new
table format.  However, if you are using a version of Bacula older than 3.1.9
(e.g.  3.0.3) then you need to run the update_bacula_tables script that will
be found in the <bacula>/src/cats directory after you run the ./configure
command.  As mentioned above, before running this script, please backup your
catalog database, and when you do running it, be sure shutdown Bacula and be
aware that running the script can take some time depending on your database

================== Warning !!!!!! ==========================
If you upgrade a previous Win32 client installation, you must
first stop the File daemon, then uninstall it before attempting
the upgrade. If you do not do so, the upgrade will probably
fail and you will need to manually find and run the 
Uninstall.exe file, before you can upgrade to the new version.
This is because the file locations are different.  If you want
to save your previous bacula-fd.conf file, please do so before
uninstalling it.

================== Warning !!!!!! ==========================
Due to permissions problems on Windows Vista and later systems,
we no longer require SYSTEM or Administrator permissions to 
access the binaries and configuation files.  If you wish
to restrict access to these files, please see the New Features
section of the manual for how to set access control lists.

Note, the Win32 Installer no longer installs the Bacula Servers
(Director and Storage daemon). See the New Features section of
the manual for more details.

============ Documentation improvements needed ==================

Note!!!!! The 5.0.0+ documentation has a number of known problems:

1. We have reduced the number of manuals, which has fixed many
   of the broken links found in the old 3.0.x version, but there
   are still some that need fixing.

2. Integration of the 3.0.x features into the main manuals has
   not yet been done.

The documentation will not be completed in the near future due to lack
manpower.  If you are unhappy with this situation as we are, we suggest
you help by submitting patches to the documentation.  Thanks.

This release includes large number of new features and changes.
It should be more or less compatible with previous xx.conf files
and File daemons providing that you are not using any of the new

Please see the New Features chapter of the new manual, which documents
some but not all the new features (we are still working on it):

The ChangeLog has more details.


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