On 01/25/10 09:09, glynd wrote:
> Hi Phil,
>>From what you are saying, I need to have 2 schedules (odd and even) rather 
>>then just the one. I also need 2 jobs for each client one for odd and one for 
>>even weeks, with each job pointing to the relevant schedule, yes?
>  I thought that because the schedule defines the odd and even weeks, it would 
> just run the appropriate jobs in those weeks.

It defines odd and even weeks to alternate pools, yes.  But - guessing
at what you're trying to do here - Bacula has no way to know, the way
you've set it up, that you want given jobs to run to only one of those
pools.  I'm not really quite clear what you're trying to accomplish
here, because what you seem to want Bacula to do is not what your
Schedules say it should, but if your intent is to have each client only
backed up every two weeks, in two alternate sets, then you need to
create two different schedules (perhaps WeeklyCycleA and WeeklyCycleB)
and part out the jobs between them accordingly.  As it is, what you've
told Bacula to do is run every job that uses the WeeklyCycle schedule
every week, using your A and B pools on alternate weeks, and that's
exactly what it's doing.

You might want to sit down and plan out exactly what you want to happen,
and then write a new set of schedules to accomplish it.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  ala...@caerllewys.net   ala...@metrocast.net   p...@co.ordinate.org
         Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, Free Stater
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