On 2/16/2010 2:55 PM, Henrik Johansen wrote:
> Hi,
> On 02/16/10 06:36 PM, Josh Fisher wrote:
>> On 2/16/2010 11:34 AM, Paul Binkley wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Director is 3.0.2, backing up a 32bit Windows Vista client running 3.0.3.
>>> After adding onefs=no to the FileSet options in the director, I get the
>>> error messages during the backup:
>>> Cannot open "C:/Documents and Settings/.../":ERR=A required privilege is not
>>> held by the client.
>>> And,
>>> Could not open directory "C:/Documents and Settings/.../":ERR=Access is
>>> denied
>>> What do I need to do to allow bacula to backup these directories?
>> These are not real directories. They are symlinks pointing to the real
>> directory in C:/Users/.. that Microsoft installs by default for backward
>> compatibility with older software that (sloppily) assumes user
>> directories are in "C:/Documents and Settings/..". Either ignore the
>> messages or exclude the C:/Documents and Settings directory so Bacula
>> doesn't attempt to back them up. They are not needed, as the files are
>> in the real directory in C:/Users/..
> I case you should need them after a restore the MS Sysinternals Suite
> has tools to recreate those junctions - you have to do that by hand though.

Yes, I don't think there is any way to back them up. They are not like 
symlinks in, for example, a Linux ext2 filesystem. It is a portion of 
the same filesystem mounted at another mountpoint. In Linux, this is 
called a "bind mount". Which leads me to wonder what happens when 
backing up a Linux client that has bind mounts? Does Bacula know it is a 
bind mount? And if so, how does it handle it? Is the bind mount 
"remembered" or do the files get backed up twice? Are junction points 
handled by the Windows client in the same way bind mounts are handled by 
the Linux client?

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