Hi Arno!

Am Samstag, den 06.03.2010, 14:00 +0100 schrieb Arno Lehmann:

> I'm guessing that you're running an USB or (less likely, but still 
> possible) FireWire external disk. If that's the case, you probably 
> struck a bad USB-to-(S)ATA controller.

Harddisk is FC attached.

> If you see this with internal hard disk, I'd recommend to check for 
> bad disk blocks, and check the drive's SMART status using smartctl.

Will check the drive. Haven't had any such problems when I set "Maximum
Volume Files = 1". But this prevents parallel jobs. Don't know, if the
upgrade to 5.0.1 is the cause, but think it's unlikely, because I've
read about the same error in old mails.

Best regards,
 P. Allgeyer

Peter Allgeyer          Salzburg|Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Dipl.-Inform. Univ.                     Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 5/III
phone +43.662.2288-264                       5020 Salzburg | Austria
fax   +43.662.2288-222                http://www.salzburgresearch.at

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