The online documentation indicates that enhancement requests should be 
posted to this group. I'd like to see a small number of enhancements. 
Many of these have been mentioned before, so please just consider this 
comment a "Me Too!" to add weight to those who decide what is next.

- Clean/automatic support for check-pointed file systems (UFS2, ZFS, 
XFS, BtrFS, etc.) along the same lines as is done in Windows 
environments. This would make the FD a bit more OS-specific but it would 
be able to use the VSS (volume shadow copy) logic already developed.
- Data staged to disk on the way to tape -- allowing backups to spool 
faster than tapes and when tape drives are full.
- Tape verification option -- verify that the bits read back from the 
tape are the same as those originally written. Spooling to disk makes 
this easier. Also, if a tape fails verification, it should be easy to 
restart the write/verify cycle with new media.
- Explicit capturing of boot and partitioning information for easier 
bare metal restores. (Bare metal restores should be easy and fast for 
all OSes, but that is easier said than done.)
- Movement of per-client information to database from config files for 
easier management and reporting. This would reduce the hassle of adding 
new entries as new clients are brought online.

And a couple of really low priority but nice to have ideas:

- Optional system shutdown after backup -- ideal for desktop machines 
which would otherwise be idle for hours.
- API for database backups -- backing up MySQL's files while live is 
bad. Mysqldump output is big. We need a 'better way.'
- An officially supported bootable CD/DVD recovery disk which contains 
everything required to recover any x86/ x86_64 machine from bare metal 
in a semi-automatic fashion.

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