I have quite a few jobs that have failed for various reasons. Since these are 
incomplete jobs, I would like to take the media and recycle them back into the 
pool as we are running low on tapes.

I am able to identify the volumes related to the specific failed job. However, 
I do want to check to see if these volumes are associated with any other jobs 
so I don't accidently wipe out other jobs.

Does anyone know how I might identify all jobs on a specific volume?


*list media jobid=121
Jobid 121 used 7 Volume(s): KL0440|KL0443|KL0406|KL0393|KL0429|KL0456|000112
| JobId | Name           | StartTime           | Type | Level | JobFiles | 
JobBytes          | JobStatus |
|   121 | magnum-offsite | 2010-06-22 19:53:54 | B    | F     |  363,951 | 
2,738,261,407,337 | f         |

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