He is not confused. I think.
The bacula should not to recycle a volume, even if there is not appendable
*The manual says: *"**The Volume Retention record defines the length of time
that Bacula will guarantee that the Volume is not reused** counting from the
time the last job stored on the Volume terminated". *Not mention to jobs on

The files and job retention period comes to prevent catalog growing, not to
recycle volumes, says the manual.

*The Volume Retention record defines the length of time that Bacula will
guarantee that the Volume is not reused counting from the time the last job
stored on the Volume terminated. A key point is that this time period is not
even considered as long at the Volume remains appendable. The Volume
Retention period count down begins only when the Append status has been
changed to some othe status (Full, Used, Purged, ...). *

* When this time period expires, and if AutoPrune is set to yes, and a new
Volume is needed, but no appendable Volume is available, Bacula will prune
(remove) Job records that are older than the specified Volume Retention
period. *

* The Volume Retention period takes precedence over any Job Retention period
you have specified in the Client resource. It should also be noted, that the
Volume Retention period is obtained by reading the Catalog Database Media
record rather than the Pool resource record. This means that if you change
the VolumeRetention in the Pool resource record, you must ensure that the
corresponding change is made in the catalog by using the update
poolcommand. Doing so will insure that any new Volumes will be created
with the
changed Volume Retention period. Any existing Volumes will have their own
copy of the Volume Retention period that can only be changed on a Volume by
Volume basis using the update volume command. *

* When all file catalog entries are removed from the volume, its VolStatus
is set to Purged. The files remain physically on the Volume until the volume
is overwritten. *

* Retention periods are specified in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks,
months, quarters, or years on the record. See the Configuration chapterTime
of this manual for additional details of time specification. *

* The default is 1 year. *


2010/10/21 Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com>

> >>>>> On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 15:34:42 -0400, Dan Langille said:
> >
> > I'm getting recycling before retention expires.  Or so I think.  It may
> be
> > possible that the Pools definitions are out of date, but before I run an
> > update command, I wanted to see if anyone saw something out of order
> here.
> >
> > This is the Volume before it was recycled:
> >
> > Pool: FullsFile
> > | mediaid | volumename    | volstatus | enabled | volbytes      |
> volfiles | volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype |
> lastwritten         |
> > |     445 | FileAuto-0445 | Full      |       1 | 5,368,691,646 |
>  1 |   94,608,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-04-16
> 08:24:59 |
> >
> > That is 3 years retention. Last written April this year
> >
> > The Volume is then recycled during the job:
> >
> > 20-Oct 20:18 kraken-sd JobId 39232: User defined maximum volume capacity
> 5,368,709,120 exceeded on device "MegaFile"
> (/storage/compressed/bacula/volumes).
> > 20-Oct 20:18 kraken-sd JobId 39232: End of medium on Volume
> "FileAuto-0437" Bytes=5,368,688,857 Blocks=83,220 at 20-Oct-2010 15:18.
> > 20-Oct 20:18 bacula-dir JobId 39232: There are no more Jobs associated
> with Volume "FileAuto-0445". Marking it purged.
> > 20-Oct 20:18 bacula-dir JobId 39232: All records pruned from Volume
> "FileAuto-0445"; marking it "Purged"
> > 20-Oct 20:18 bacula-dir JobId 39232: Recycled volume "FileAuto-0445"
> > 20-Oct 20:18 kraken-sd JobId 39232: Recycled volume "FileAuto-0445" on
> device "MegaFile" (/storage/compressed/bacula/volumes), all previous data
> lost.
> > 20-Oct 20:18 kraken-sd JobId 39232: New volume "FileAuto-0445" mounted on
> device "MegaFile" (/storage/compressed/bacula/volumes) at 20-Oct-2010 15:18.
> I think you might be confused about the meaning of the Volume Retention
> directive.  It controls automatic pruning, but it doesn't prevent recycling
> if
> the volume has no jobs remaining in the catalog.  The latter can happen if
> the
> Job Retention directive in the Client(s) caused pruning prior to this
> backup.
> __Martin
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