Op 20:59, Mikael Fridh schreef:
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 3:29 AM, pedro moreno<syxt...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi people.
>> I'm a sys admin not a programmer.
>> We have a bunch of guys ready to do work for us, we are thinking in
>> create a web interface to administer bacula, I have seen bacula-web
>> and looks like is just for read only, the main idea is to see status,
>> handle tapes, label, run backups if we need to, do most of what we do
>> with bconsole but with a browser.
> Not meaning to bash anyone but Bacula-web is in need of some refactoring.
> An amazing project, which I find odd that it hasn't received more
> attention, is Webacula:
> http://webacula.sourceforge.net/
> --
> Mike
I'm quite surprised noone has mentioned this yet, but there is quite a 
powerful web admin tool already included
in the bacula-gui package called bweb. Bweb, a perl-based tool, can do 
pretty much anything you can do from
bconsole and more.

You can get status, handle/label tapes, run/cancel backups, and you can 
also generate a lot of different statistics
to get more info on job size, length, duration, etc. The only thing you 
can't do is changing the configuration of the
different Bacula daemons. (something you can do with the webmin plugin, 
be it only limited) The only drawback might
be that it requires quite a bit of tinkering to get it to work correctly 
and with all its functionality, but once it works it's
really nice. Definately something you should look into!

Kind regards,
Jeremy Maes

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