>>>>> On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 16:41:30 +1300, Craig Miskell said:
>       Just ran a bscan today to re-read a tape where the files had been 
> purged by
> normal processes.  After the bscan, the job record in the database still had
> purgedfiles set to 1, which means that when running a restore through 
> bconsole,
> it would fetch all the file records, then check the purgefiles flag and tell 
> me
> that the job had been purged, and asked me if I'd like to restore all the 
> files
> from the job.
> If I manually updated the jobs table, setting that purgedfiles back to 0 for
> that job, I could then start the file selection process.
> Is this expected, or have I missed something?  I'm expecting the latter, but
> have no idea what.  I can't see any code where it would set PurgedFiles to
> anything other than 1, but that seem strange to me.
> This is on Bacula 5.0.0
> Any suggestions?

See http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1558

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