1) Make sure all the firmwares are up to date: the 1068E card, the tape 
drives, specifically.  While you're at it, make sure the Adaptec card has 
up to date firmware too.

2) You might want to try this other setting too...
Maximum File Size = 3GB

3) Looking at your output, you only got a bit over 500GB.  Are you testing 
with an LTO-3 tape? (max uncompressed size of those is only 400GB, whereas 
LTO-4 tapes fit 800GB uncompressed so you should have gotten much more on 
the tape before it thought it hit the end)  If so, my understanding is that 
the tape drive will operate backward compatibly, including lowering the max 
read and write speeds to the previous generation's.

4) Also, writing to the tape is very CPU intensive.  Is the system  busy 
doing something else?

Just a few shots in the dark there, hopefully one of them helps.

In addition, until you get everything working, you should probably not mess 
with the default network buffer size.  The manual has this to say about 
that setting:
Maximum Network Buffer Size = bytes
where bytes specifies the initial network buffer size to use with the File 
daemon. This size will be adjusted down if it is too large until it is 
accepted by the OS. Please use care in setting this value since if it is 
too large, it will be trimmed by 512 bytes until the OS is happy, which may 
require a large number of system calls. The default value is 32,768 bytes.
The default size was chosen to be relatively large but not too big in the 
case that you are transmitting data over Internet. It is clear that on a 
high speed local network, you can increase this number and improve 
performance. For example, some users have found that if you use a value of 
65,536 bytes they get five to ten times the throughput. Larger values for 
most users don't seem to improve performance. If you are interested in 
improving your backup speeds, this is definitely a place to experiment. You 
will probably also want to make the corresponding change in each of your 
File daemons conf files.


> Hi!
> We're seeing strange behaviour with Bacula 5.0.3 on Debian/Squeeze and
> Kernels 2.6.36 and 2.6.32 (for a while, we've had CentOS 5 for testing,
> but that didn't change a thing).
> See the 'btape fill' results below, the write speed doesn't get above
> 50MB/s - the tape drive is an ULTRIUM-HH4 LTO4 drive in a Tandberg
> StorageLoader. Tar is able to write with >120MB/s to the tapes.
> I tried different block sizes (64K to 2M; the tape drive claims to
> support up to 16M, but Linux doesn't let me), the relevant parts of
> bacula-sd.conf are below. I'm quit out of ideas how I could speed up the
> tape writes for bacula?
> The system btw is a single Xeon E5420, 8GB Ram. The Storage Library/Tape
> drives are SAS-connected via a LSI Logig MPTSAS 1068E and storage is a
> 24-disk Raid50 via Adaptec 52445.
> 16-Nov 17:02 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 17:03 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0", status 
> is OK.
> Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume1".
> Wrote Start of Session label.
> 17:03:23 Begin writing Bacula records to first tape ...
> Wrote block=5000, file,blk=11,239 VolBytes=10,483,662,848 rate=47.01 MB/s
> Wrote block=10000, file,blk=22,3 VolBytes=20,969,422,848 rate=40.87 MB/s
> Wrote block=15000, file,blk=32,243 VolBytes=31,455,182,848 rate=42.68 MB/s
> Wrote block=20000, file,blk=43,7 VolBytes=41,940,942,848 rate=45.93 MB/s
> Wrote block=25000, file,blk=53,247 VolBytes=52,426,702,848 rate=46.27 MB/s
> Wrote block=30000, file,blk=64,11 VolBytes=62,912,462,848 rate=47.87 MB/s
> 17:25:41 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=35000, file,blk=74,251 VolBytes=73,398,222,848 rate=48.03 MB/s
> Wrote block=40000, file,blk=85,15 VolBytes=83,883,982,848 rate=49.02 MB/s
> Wrote block=45000, file,blk=95,255 VolBytes=94,369,742,848 rate=49.15 MB/s
> Wrote block=50000, file,blk=106,19 VolBytes=104,855,502,848 rate=49.74 MB/s
> Wrote block=55000, file,blk=116,259 VolBytes=115,341,262,848 rate=49.82 MB/s
> Wrote block=60000, file,blk=127,23 VolBytes=125,827,022,848 rate=50.13 MB/s
> 17:46:06 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=65000, file,blk=137,263 VolBytes=136,312,782,848 rate=50.29 MB/s
> Wrote block=70000, file,blk=148,27 VolBytes=146,798,542,848 rate=50.29 MB/s
> Wrote block=75000, file,blk=158,267 VolBytes=157,284,302,848 rate=50.52 MB/s
> Wrote block=80000, file,blk=169,31 VolBytes=167,770,062,848 rate=50.50 MB/s
> Wrote block=85000, file,blk=179,271 VolBytes=178,255,822,848 rate=50.81 MB/s
> Wrote block=90000, file,blk=190,35 VolBytes=188,741,582,848 rate=49.16 MB/s
> 18:08:33 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=95000, file,blk=200,275 VolBytes=199,227,342,848 rate=49.50 MB/s
> Wrote block=100000, file,blk=211,39 VolBytes=209,713,102,848 rate=49.43 MB/s
> Wrote block=105000, file,blk=221,279 VolBytes=220,198,862,848 rate=49.79 MB/s
> Wrote block=110000, file,blk=232,43 VolBytes=230,684,622,848 rate=49.65 MB/s
> Wrote block=115000, file,blk=242,283 VolBytes=241,170,382,848 rate=50.05 MB/s
> Wrote block=120000, file,blk=253,47 VolBytes=251,656,142,848 rate=49.89 MB/s
> 18:28:41 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=125000, file,blk=263,287 VolBytes=262,141,902,848 rate=50.23 MB/s
> Wrote block=130000, file,blk=274,51 VolBytes=272,627,662,848 rate=50.07 MB/s
> Wrote block=135000, file,blk=284,291 VolBytes=283,113,422,848 rate=50.25 MB/s
> Wrote block=140000, file,blk=295,55 VolBytes=293,599,182,848 rate=50.15 MB/s
> Wrote block=145000, file,blk=305,295 VolBytes=304,084,942,848 rate=50.34 MB/s
> Wrote block=150000, file,blk=316,59 VolBytes=314,570,702,848 rate=50.31 MB/s
> 18:49:03 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=155000, file,blk=326,299 VolBytes=325,056,462,848 rate=50.45 MB/s
> Wrote block=160000, file,blk=337,63 VolBytes=335,542,222,848 rate=50.45 MB/s
> Wrote block=165000, file,blk=347,303 VolBytes=346,027,982,848 rate=49.58 MB/s
> Wrote block=170000, file,blk=358,67 VolBytes=356,513,742,848 rate=49.61 MB/s
> Wrote block=175000, file,blk=368,307 VolBytes=366,999,502,848 rate=49.52 MB/s
> Wrote block=180000, file,blk=379,71 VolBytes=377,485,262,848 rate=49.64 MB/s
> 19:12:33 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=185000, file,blk=389,311 VolBytes=387,971,022,848 rate=49.47 MB/s
> Wrote block=190000, file,blk=400,75 VolBytes=398,456,782,848 rate=49.56 MB/s
> Wrote block=195000, file,blk=410,315 VolBytes=408,942,542,848 rate=49.47 MB/s
> Wrote block=200000, file,blk=421,79 VolBytes=419,428,302,848 rate=49.36 MB/s
> Wrote block=205000, file,blk=431,319 VolBytes=429,914,062,848 rate=49.37 MB/s
> Wrote block=210000, file,blk=442,83 VolBytes=440,399,822,848 rate=49.26 MB/s
> 19:34:42 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=215000, file,blk=452,323 VolBytes=450,885,582,848 rate=49.34 MB/s
> Wrote block=220000, file,blk=463,87 VolBytes=461,371,342,848 rate=49.23 MB/s
> Wrote block=225000, file,blk=473,327 VolBytes=471,857,102,848 rate=49.26 MB/s
> Wrote block=230000, file,blk=484,91 VolBytes=482,342,862,848 rate=49.24 MB/s
> Wrote block=235000, file,blk=494,331 VolBytes=492,828,622,848 rate=49.20 MB/s
> Wrote block=240000, file,blk=505,95 VolBytes=503,314,382,848 rate=49.26 MB/s
> 19:59:20 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote block=245000, file,blk=515,335 VolBytes=513,800,142,848 rate=48.50 MB/s
> Wrote block=250000, file,blk=526,99 VolBytes=524,285,902,848 rate=48.70 MB/s
> Wrote block=255000, file,blk=536,339 VolBytes=534,771,662,848 rate=48.65 MB/s
> 16-Nov 20:08 btape JobId 0: End of Volume "TestVolume1" at 543:330 on device 
> "drv1" (/dev/nst1). Write of 2097152 bytes got -1.
> 16-Nov 20:08 btape JobId 0: Re-read of last block succeeded.
> btape: btape.c:2702 Last block at: 543:329 this_dev_block_num=330
> btape: btape.c:2737 End of tape 543:0. Volume Bytes=541,740,498,944. Write 
> rate = 48.76 MB/s
> 16-Nov 20:08 btape JobId 0: End of medium on Volume "TestVolume1" 
> Bytes=541,740,498,944 Blocks=258,322 at 16-Nov-2010 20:08.
> 16-Nov 20:08 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:10 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:10 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: 
> nothing loaded.
> 16-Nov 20:10 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:10 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0", status 
> is OK.
> Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume2".
> 16-Nov 20:11 btape JobId 0: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "TestVolume2" on 
> device "drv1" (/dev/nst1)
> 16-Nov 20:11 btape JobId 0: New volume "TestVolume2" mounted on device "drv1" 
> (/dev/nst1) at 16-Nov-2010 20:11.
> btape: btape.c:2311 Wrote 1000 blocks on second tape. Done.
> Done writing 0 records ...
> Wrote End of Session label.
> btape: btape.c:2380 Wrote state file last_block_num1=329 last_block_num2=49
> btape: btape.c:2398
> 20:11:55 Done filling tapes at 2:51. Now beginning re-read of first tape ...
> btape: btape.c:2476 Enter do_unfill
> 16-Nov 20:11 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 2, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:13 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:14 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0", status 
> is OK.
> 16-Nov 20:14 btape JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "TestVolume1" on device 
> "drv1" (/dev/nst1).
> Rewinding.
> Reading the first 10000 records from 0:0.
> 10000 records read now at 1:157
> Reposition from 1:157 to 543:329
> Reading block 329.
> The last block of the first tape matches.
> 16-Nov 20:15 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:17 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0" 
> command.
> 16-Nov 20:18 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0", status 
> is OK.
> 16-Nov 20:18 btape JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "TestVolume2" on device 
> "drv1" (/dev/nst1).
> Reposition from 0:0 to 0:1
> Reading block 1.
> The first block on the second tape matches.
> Reposition from 0:2 to 2:49
> Reading block 49.
> The last block on the second tape matches. Test succeeded.
> #
> # Tandberg StorageLibrary T80+ (stage 2)
> #
> Autochanger {
>         Name                            = lib1
>         Device                          = drv1
>         Device                          = drv2
>         Changer Command                 = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c 
> %o %S %a %d"
>         Changer Device                  = /dev/backup/changer
> }
> Device {
>         Name                            = drv1
>         Drive Index                     = 0
>         Media Type                      = LTO-4
>         Device Type                     = Tape
>         Archive Device                  = /dev/nst1
>         AutomaticMount                  = yes
>         AlwaysOpen                      = yes
>         RemovableMedia                  = yes
>         RandomAccess                    = no
>         AutoChanger                     = yes
>         Autoselect                      = yes
>         Maximum block size              = 2097152
>         Maximum Network Buffer Size     = 262144
>         Alert Command                   = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f /dev/nst1 | 
> /bin/sed -n /TapeAlert/p'"
>         Spool Directory                 = /var/bacula/spool/drv1
> }
> Device {
>         Name                            = drv2
>         Drive Index                     = 1
>         Media Type                      = LTO-4
>         Device Type                     = Tape
>         Archive Device                  = /dev/nst0
>         AutomaticMount                  = yes
>         AlwaysOpen                      = yes
>         RemovableMedia                  = yes
>         RandomAccess                    = no
>         AutoChanger                     = yes
>         Autoselect                      = yes
>         Maximum block size              = 2097152
>         Maximum Network Buffer Size     = 262144
>         Alert Command                   = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f /dev/nst0 
> |/bin/sed -n /TapeAlert/p'"
>         Spool Directory                 = /var/bacula/spool/drv2
> }
> Regards,
> Lukas

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