I was suprised, is not on database.
On table FileSet has not this information.

| Field      | Type             | Null | Key | Default             |
Extra          |
| FileSetId  | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL                |
auto_increment |
| FileSet    | tinyblob         | NO   |     | NULL
|                |
| MD5        | tinyblob         | YES  |     | NULL
|                |
| CreateTime | datetime         | YES  |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
|                |

Has no information about file paths.
I think the director read all filesets from config file in memory during
start up.


2011/1/5 Joseph Spenner <joseph85...@yahoo.com>

> Does bacula store the "File = /path/to/backup" (as described in the
> bacula-dir.conf "FileSet" sections) in the database anywhere?
> If so, which tables would I find it?  I spun through them and couldn't find
> anything.
> Thanks!
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