On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:32:32AM -0500, hymie! wrote:
> What it is doing that is weird:
> There are 6 other backup jobs in addition to the GreatPlains-Backup job
> listed above.  The other backups all work correctly.  However, the
> GreatPlains-Backup job:
> (*) did not name the Volume correctly
> GreatPlains-Backup.2011-01-29_23.05.00_08
> instead of
> GreatPlains-Backup.2011-01-29_23.05.00_08-Full

I have a suggestion for this first problem.

As I said earlier, if you change your configuration file and reload/restart,
bacula doesn't update the mysql database without further intervention.
This may be the case for your labels.

So, my suggestion is to try looking at the output of this sql command:

select PoolId, Name, LabelFormat from Pool;

If the output doesn't match what is in your configuration, you might need
to run 'update somethingorother' from bconsole.

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