Torsdag den 11. Marts 2010 13:49:15 skrev John Drescher:
> > You can help me?
> First off remove and local host from all bacula
> configuration files. Using either of these will prevent bacula from
> being a network backup program. Secondly start the director from the
> console
> bacula-dir -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -d 100

I had a similar issue with 5.03 - for the record:
Bacula-dir started, but did not listen.
bacula-dir -t -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf revealed an issue with the 
database: I had to grant privileges to the database not only after database 
creation, but also after the table creation.

Then Bacula-dir started again - without listening - and with no errors in the 

sudo bacula-dir -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -d 100 
made Bacula-dir start and listen without errors.

The problem turned out to be missing permissions on the working directory:
chown -R bacula:root /var/cache/bacula
Then Bacula-dir start and listen also when started normally

Tanks for the great tip - now that Bacula itself is so sparce with information


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