> Hi everyone!
> I was having to many problems working with one pool for each day of the
> week. So, recently, I reconfigure all my bacula director to use ten
> tapes with only one pool. It's working fine now. I don't have a tape
> library, so manual changes are done every day (except weekends). From
> Monday to Saturday, I run differential jobs. On Sunday, only full jobs.
> However, the Monday's tapes are doing the Saturday diff, Sunday full and
> Monday diff jobs. Obviously, I need more space for this. These three day
> tapes (the two Monday one's) aren't capable of doing more than one
> backup. So, every Friday I have the delete one of the Monday's volume
> and rewind the tape manually. I can't use Maximum Volume Jobs option. I
> tough in the Maximum Volume Bytes instead. The other tapes, I can handle
> for up to two or three months
> My doubt is if that will work properly or not. For example: Maximum
> Volume Bytes is 150g. In one three day tape jobs, it consumes 140g. Next
> time the tape will be used, it will erase before passing the 150g or it
> will ask for a new tape when the job that overlaps the 150g ends? I need
> bacula to detect this proximity to the volume bytes limit and recycle
> the tape before having and error or asking for another volume.
> Maybe I will have problems when a new holiday come-up, however, that
> will be another case to think and fix.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> Jo?o K.

As another person pointed out, you probably shouldn't use Maximum Volume 
Bytes with tapes.  Instead, you can use Volume Use Duration to do something 

Another item I would suggest is that you may want to modify your backup 
system.  Here's some options...
a) don't do backups on weekends, or
b) get a bigger capacity tape drive, or
c) get an autoloader

I would recommend keeping your strategy as simple as possible.  Others here 
differ on this opinion, but for me a single pool for all my tapes works 
great.  I use an auto-loader with bar-codes and let Bacula worry about what 
tape to grab next.  If you're going to have all the same hardware and media 
type, you probably won't get any utility out of multiple
pools for differential, incremental, and full backups.

As for autoloaders, only consider something that does barcodes.  If you 
don't want to pay a lot of money, get something used.


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