On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:17 AM, John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 2:06 PM, pedro moreno <syxt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:23 AM, John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:10 PM, pedro moreno <syxt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Hi.
>>>>  Want to understand why bacula 5.0.2 don't want to use my tape until
>>>> it reach the MaximumVolJobs.
>>>> I have 2 pools:
>>>> Full-Backups
>>>> Diff-Backups
>>>> I will focus on Diff tapes.
>>>> Storage: Tape.
>>>> Pool Diff:
>>>> Pool {
>>>>  Name = CompanyDiffTape
>>>>  Pool Type = Backup
>>>>  Use Volume Once = no
>>>>  Maximum Volume Jobs = 72
>>>>  Maximum Volume Files = 0
>>>>  Maximum Volume Bytes = 0
>>>>  Volume Use Duration = 0
>>>>  Catalog Files = yes
>>>>  Recycle = yes
>>>>  AutoPrune = yes
>>>>  dolume Retention = 180 days
>>>>  Label Format = TapeDiff-
>>>> }
>>>> U can see that I want to have 72 jobs on each tape and save the tape
>>>> for 180 days. The problem is that bacula is using the tape just 1
>>>> week, next week he wants a new volume, in one week I can 36 jobs, with
>>>> 72 I can save 2 weeks.
>>>> Reading the db, I see that tape-a have just 36 jobs for 72 maximum,
>>>> them why on earth he want a new volume and not finish this one.
>>>> This happen every week.
>>>> Some could point me if I had issues with my settings?
>>> If you changed the settings after volumes were created the changes are
>>> not applied to existing volumes.
>>> Use bconsole
>>> update "pool from resource"
>>> then
>>> update "all volumes in pool"
>>> commands. I believe those are the commands or the wording is similar.
>>> John
>> I had done that, my volume have the info from the pool.
>> Even if I change my volume status from error to append,
>> VolJobs=36
>> MaxVolJob=72
>> run a job manually, he wants a new volumen, he doesn't want the current 
>> volumen.
>> I want to understand this behavior of bacula.
> Restart bacula-dir after making this change from Error to append.
> John

That restart doesn't work.

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