On Tue, 21 Jun 2011, Marcus Mülbüsch wrote:

> I want to migrate my bacula installation from mysql to postgresql, 
> following the guide in 
> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Installing_Configuring_Post.html#SECTION004450000000000000000
> After dumping and converting the database the sql-file now has 9GiB.

One note I'd like to make on the page above is that the mysqldump command
includes the --skip-opt command.

This is not reliable to use if you have a reasonably large "File" table as
it includes an option to buffer query result in RAM before outputting to
file.  We have 65 million entries and our 6GB RAM + 2GB swap is not enough
to hold the buffer, so mysqldump ends up getting killed every time before
it finishes.

It seems you need to drop --quick which is implied in --skip-opt.  The
resulting command that I'm working with at the moment is:

mysqldump -t -n -c --compatible=postgresql --skip-quote-names --quick \
        --lock-tables --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options 
--disable-keys \
        --extended-insert --set-charset  -u bacula -ppassword bacula \
        | grep -v "INSERT INTO Status"    \
        | sed -e 's/0000-00-00 00:00:00/1970-01-01 00:00:00/g' \
        | sed -e 's/\\0//' > bacula-backup.sql`

That being said, this is untested so far -- I haven't actually done the
migration -- but this is the plan thus far :-)

Feedback/corrections welcome...


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
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Dublin 8
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