Am 18.05.2011 14:22, schrieb Christian Manal:
> Am 18.05.2011 13:08, schrieb Graham Keeling:
>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 01:02:08PM +0200, Christian Manal wrote:
>>> Am 18.05.2011 12:26, schrieb Graham Keeling:
>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 11:54:18AM +0200, Christian Manal wrote:
>>>>> Am 18.05.2011 11:13, schrieb Graham Keeling:
>>>>>> If times don't explain it, take a look at this bacula code from
>>>>>> src/cats/sql_get.c (function db_accurate_get_jobids()), which is getting
>>>>>> the jobids from the database. You should be able to construct very 
>>>>>> similar
>>>>>> queries and run them by hand to see what the database says.
>>>>>> Or add some debug to get the exact sql queries being used.
>>>>>>    /* First, find the last good Full backup for this job/client/fileset 
>>>>>> */
>>>>>>    <snip>
>>>>> Thank you. The problem seems to be that the query doesn't account for
>>>>> the job name it is supposed to do, just the client and fileset. I have
>>>>> two jobs with the same fileset for each client. One backs up to local
>>>>> storage with a full/diff/incr cycle and a rather long retention period,
>>>>> the other does monthly full backups to another building for DR and gets
>>>>> immediately purged.
>>>>> I enabled accurate for the onsite job but the query returns the last
>>>>> full run of the offsite job. When I add "AND Name = '<JobName>'" to the
>>>>> query it gets the right jobid.
>>>>> I think this qualifies for a bug, doesn't it?
>>>> I agree with you, but...
>>>> I have just remembered coming across this before. The thread starts here:
>>>> Kern:
>>>> "Bacula does not support this option."
>>>> Me:
>>>> "It does appear to be *trying* to support it, as some parts of the code 
>>>> that
>>>> figure out dependent jobs take note of the job name, though others do not."
>>>> Kern:
>>>> "I wouldn't exactly say that it is trying to support it, but rather that 
>>>> since 
>>>> the program is so complicated, and I try not to restrict it too much, 
>>>> there 
>>>> are places where it can seem to work, but it is just not designed to do so 
>>>> (at least at the moment), and thus it will not work.  It isn't that I 
>>>> don't 
>>>> want it to work, but there is only so much that the developers can do in 
>>>> the 
>>>> time we have.
>>>> Unfortunate what you are trying to do is simply not possible in the way 
>>>> you 
>>>> are trying to do it with the current code."
>>> Great... so I have to create two identical filesets to get this to work?
>> Or add "AND Name = '<JobName>'", as was your idea. Maybe it works fine.\
> Well, going by the thread you linked I just noticed that there is also
> the issue of Bacula using the wrong jobs to create the restore filetree.
> I'd rather not find out what else is affected by this and just do what
> works. I also lack the c(++) skills to look further into this, I'm afraid.
> Regards,
> Christian Manal
>>> If this kind of setup is not supported, it would be nice if I'd get at
>>> least a warning by './bacula-dir -t' or something.
>>> Thanks for the help, though, I'll fix my config.
>>> Regards,
>>> Christian Manal
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Christian Manal

Hi again list,

I now made seperate filesets for the offsite backups and waited for the
"wrong" jobs to cycle out to get around this issue. But when I enable
'accurate' on the affected jobs now I still get the same error:

   Fatal error: Cannot find previous jobids.
   Fatal error: Network error with FD during Backup: ERR=Interrupted
system call

Running the queries from src/cats/sql_get.c by hand returns the right
job ids. What else can I do to debug this problem?

Christian Manal

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