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i want to set up certificates for secure communication between my
director and clients.  i've read several guides including the info on
bacula.org, but i am so confused how to do it.

i currently have 4 machines i want backed up, two are at home and two
are at work.  the director and SD are at home on the same machine.  all
machines are running ubuntu 10.04 with bacula 5.0.1 from the ubuntu
repositories.  i've got bacula set up and running OK at home between the
two computers there, without certificates.

the director is running on machine home1, and in my bacula-dir.conf i am
using `Director { DirAddress = home1.local }` and `Client { Address =
home1.local }`.  likewise the SD is running on home1 so i am using
`Storage { SDAddress = home1.local }` in bacula-sd.conf.

my second computer is home2 so in bacula-dir.conf i am using `Client {
Address = home2 }`.

my third computer will be work1 but it is remote so i'll need to access
it using something like work.dyndns.org:9102 and likewise with the
fourth computer work2 using something like work.dyndns.org:9112

i think what is confusing me the most is what to use for CN, but i am
generally puzzled as to how to generate the certs properly in general.
i've got TinyCA installed and i created a CA, what's next?



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