2011/8/19 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 6:05 AM, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
>> 2011/8/18 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
>>> On Aug 18, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
>>>> 2011/8/18 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
>>>>> On Aug 18, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
>>>>>> 2011/8/18 Hugo Letemplier <hugo.let...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> 2011/8/16 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
>>>>>>>> On Aug 16, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 2011/8/16 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 16, 2011, at 6:36 AM, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/8/16 Jeremy Maes <j...@schaubroeck.be>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Op 16/08/2011 11:45, Hugo Letemplier schreef:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi the list !
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a recurrent issue in bacula.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I specified a very long duration for job and file retention.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I sepecified Purge File = No, Purge Job = No, Purge Volume = yes
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have autoprune = yes in the pool description
>>>>>>>>>>>> I work on a volume rotation basis, one volume is kept a time 
>>>>>>>>>>>> according
>>>>>>>>>>>> to his pool's retention parameters.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to keep in base, for some jobs, all the files that are in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> volume because theses jobs are more usually used to restore some 
>>>>>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>>>>> than the whole job.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But I still have "Puged Files = Yes" in the job run list in Bat.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't understand what's happenning !
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you help me ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I check that my pruning directives work as expected ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hugo
>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you set these long retention times etc after you created the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> volumes?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Those parameters are set for a volume when it's created, and are 
>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>> automatically updated when you change the config and/or reload 
>>>>>>>>>>>> bacula. You
>>>>>>>>>>>> have to issue the "update" command in bconsole and update your 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "pool from
>>>>>>>>>>>> resource" for all pools and volume parameters "all volumes from 
>>>>>>>>>>>> pool". (or
>>>>>>>>>>>> all volumes from all pools).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeremy
>>>>>>>>>>>> **** DISCLAIMER ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.schaubroeck.be/maildisclaimer.htm
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your answer
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I already have updated my volumes. So I dont understand very 
>>>>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>> what 's happening
>>>>>>>>>> When in doubt, ignore bat. Instead, look at what bconsole reports.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Dan Langille - http://langille.org
>>>>>>>>> I checked via a restore
>>>>>>>>> I think there is no doubt because bacula done an inc as big as a full
>>>>>>>>> just after the jobs that were marked Pruned Files : yes
>>>>>>>>> Also when i do a restore It says that there are missing files entries
>>>>>>>>> and I cant select file and dirs with the tree in bconsole.
>>>>>>>> I believe you are reaching conclusions based on suspicions, not facts. 
>>>>>>>>  The
>>>>>>>> conclusions may be correct, but that doesn't help find the cause.
>>>>>>>> Look at the output of 'list media'.  Look at the value in 
>>>>>>>> volretention.  It is in seconds.
>>>>>>>> Is this value matching up with that expect?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Dan Langille - http://langille.org
>>>>>>> The Volume retention is correct. Moreover, the problem isn't on the
>>>>>>> volume retention but on the file retention.
>>>>>>> My volumes are never pruned because for the moment I put it a little
>>>>>>> too big duration, I keep an eye on the volume size and the remaining
>>>>>>> space on the hard drive. I delete jobs then prune the volumes that
>>>>>>> contains no jobs and purge action=Truncate manually on the purged
>>>>>>> volumes ( I am at this point because bacula is pruning files and I
>>>>>>> dont known the origin of the problem. So I do a lot of things manually
>>>>>>> for safety reasons).
>>>>>> In other words I set AutoPrune = No
>>>>>>> Where can I check this File retention, is it writen in the database
>>>>>>> like for the volume retention, or only in the configuration file ?
>>>>>>> What configuration directives should I check ?
>>>>> There are defaults for File retention (see below) so if you have not 
>>>>> specified, them, they are default.
>>>>> Look in the client table:
>>>>> bacula=# select clientid, name, autoprune, fileretention, jobretention 
>>>>> from client limit 3;
>>>>>  clientid |   name   | autoprune | fileretention | jobretention
>>>>> ----------+----------+-----------+---------------+--------------
>>>>>       21 | havoc-fd |         1 |       5184000 |     15552000
>>>>>       12 | nz-fd    |         1 |       2592000 |     15552000
>>>>>       10 | ducky-fd |         1 |       5184000 |     15552000
>>>>> (3 rows)
>>>>> Retention is in seconds.
>>>>>>> I updated all the file retention directives ( in client and pool ) to
>>>>>>> a duration of 1 year.
>>>>>>> So, now, it shouldn't purge files except if their jobs are deleted, if
>>>>>>> job have its files purged or if the volume that contain the job is
>>>>>>> purged, isn't it
>>>>> No.
>>>>> Job, File, and Volume retention are all separate elements.
>>>>> I set my Job and File retention to a large value, say 30 years, then let 
>>>>> Volume
>>>>> retention take care of pruning.
>>>> this is what I wanted to say, volume pruning take precedence over the
>>>> other directives
>>> Umm, what do you mean by 'take precedence'?  If any retention value is 
>>> reached, that particular item
>>> is pruned.  But if you lose a Volume to pruning, you lose files and jobs.  
>>> And if you loose
>>> a job to pruning, you lose the files.
>> We are ok on this definition ;-)
>>>>> From:
>>>>> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Catalog_Maintenance.html#SECTION004610000000000000000
>>>>> ###
>>>>> File Retention = time-period-specification
>>>>> The File Retention record defines the length of time that Bacula will 
>>>>> keep File records in the Catalog database. When this time period expires, 
>>>>> and if AutoPrune is set to yes, Bacula will prune (remove) File records 
>>>>> that are older than the specified File Retention period. The pruning will 
>>>>> occur at the end of a backup Job for the given Client. Note that the 
>>>>> Client database record contains a copy of the File and Job retention 
>>>>> periods, but Bacula uses the current values found in the Director's 
>>>>> Client resource to do the pruning.
>>>>> ...
>>>>> The default File retention period is 60 days.
>>>>> ###
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dan Langille - http://langille.org
>>>> Here is the client list from the bacula database,
>>>> bacula=> select clientid, name, autoprune, fileretention/(24*365*3600)
>>>> AS FileRetentionInYears, fileretention, jobretention from client;
>>>> clientid |      name       | autoprune | fileretentioninyears |
>>>> fileretention | jobretention
>>>> ----------+-----------------+-----------+----------------------+---------------+--------------
>>>>        7 | ns1            |         1 |                    1 |
>>>> 31536000 |     31536000
>>>> I will look at the logs to see when files where pruned maybe it will
>>>> give me some help to solve this problem that make my backups totally
>>>> instable.
>> I found that theses file pruning occurred when I copied jobs on a Tape.
>> File retention was defined to zero on tape Archive's pool
>> When I do a copy, I think that the copy uses the same Files records as
>> the original job
>> Is it possible that the Copy has it's files pruned and so the original job 
>> too ?
>> I precise that I am on bacula 5.0 from git.
> I do not know.  I would do a test.  Backup.  Verify files are there.  Then 
> copy.  Are the files still there?
> --
> Dan Langille - http://langille.org

There was a bscan on the tape too !
I will check this soon. Just let me some time because I am busy at the moment.
Also I need to get everyting secured and the catalog backed up.



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