
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Marcio Merlone wrote:

> Em 21-09-2011 10:29, Gavin McCullagh escreveu:
> >A 150GB database.  That's pretty large.  How many clients have you?
> About a dozen clients - some inactive but still with valid backup -
> File Retention = 6 months, Job Retention = 1 year. Most clients have
> few or no changes, but my storage server has 2,825,101 files on a
> full backup and almost 100.000 on an incremental.

It's definitely the database that is 150GB, yeah?  We have 40 clients, some
of which have 5 million files and similar retention times, but our database
is 11GB.

> >Which database are you using (MySQL, Postgresql)?
> MySQL.


> >If you haven't seen it
> >already, this might be useful:
> >
> >http://wiki.bacula.org/doku.php?id=faq#restore_takes_a_long_time_to_retrieve_sql_results_from_mysql_catalog
> Yes, I was there when you mail arrived. It made think about going to
> Postgres. Is there any upgrade path or helper to go from mysql to
> postgres? I am now optimizing File table and will then run dbcheck.

Check that you have the right indexes (and no extra ones).  The removal of
a couple of wrong indexes made a massive difference for us.

Bacula does seem to be better optimised toward Postgresql, but I'm not
convinced you can't get MySQL to work.


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