On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 04:47:11PM +0800, Lyn Amery wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been wading through the documentation on how to exclude 
> files and directories from backup jobs but have had no luck.
> I'm trying to exclude files like .pgpass and .svn directories
> from wherever they occur in the filesystem.
> The following works for /tmp and /var/tmp but seems to have 
> no effect on directories named .svn:
>   Exclude {
>    File = /tmp
>    File = /var/tmp
>    File = ".svn"
>   }
> (I've also tried it without the quotes, i.e. File = .svn)
> The examples in the official Bacula documentation seem to 
> indicate that it should "just work".  Have I missed the point?
> I'm using the latest Bacula 5.0.3.

Have you tried "WildFile"?

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