On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 16:28:58 +0530
Rushdhi Mohamed <zmrush...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have already installed a bacula client on REHL 6 and it works fine.
> but this time its giving an ERROR saying
> Starting bacula-fd: Error: Not been configured             [FAILED]
I suspect this error might come not from Bacula FD itself but from an
RC-script shipped with RHEL.  Like you have to uncomment something
somewhere, or a package failed to be configured properly.  I do not use
RH since long ago so I can't guess more thoroughly.

> test out put here...
> [root@racn1 ~]# bacula-fd -t /etc/init.d/bacula-fd
> 26-Oct 16:22 bacula-fd: ERROR TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:835
> Config error: Expected a Resource name identifier, got: .
>             : line 16, col 1 of file /etc/init.d/bacula-fd
> . /etc/init.d/functions
This is obviously wrong, as others already explained: RC scripts are
used to start/stop daemons; daemons themselves do not even know these
scripts exist.

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