On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 5:54 AM, Alan Brown <a...@mssl.ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have all my new tapes/volumes assigned to Scratch pool. If I
>> understand correctly, if I have e.g. Full and Incremental pools
>> defined but no actual volumes assigned, each pool will, when required,
>> pick up the volume from Scratch and re-assign it to the respective
>> pool. If I recollect it was working properly but now the backups are
>> all going to the volumes in the Scratch pool. Any ideas?
> Which pools are defined in the jobs?

I have THREE job definitions defined for incremental, differential and
full backups.
The incremental and differential backups are assigned to the
INCREMENTALS pool and the full backups to FULLS. Observing the
behaviour of the backups for the pass few days, I noticed when the
first incremental backup kicked in, it picked up a volume from SRATCH
pool and re-assigned it to the INCREMENTALS pool but for both
differential and full backups, both went to a volume in the SCRATCH
pool. For the time being, I just re-created half my tapes to be FULLS
and the rest INCREMENTALS. That doesn't resolve the fundamental issue
but at least acceptable for the time being. BTW, I am still running


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