Adrian Reyer wrote:

> However, one of the trays fell down and broke. The superlodaer
> firmware refuses to do anything without the trays plugged in. 

Not just the superloaders. The Neo8000(e) range do this too if the 
mailslot magazine isn't installed (2000/4000s are fine)

It's good practice to have a second magazine so you can just swap them 
out when loading/unloading tapes.

> As this
> has been a user error, service contract didn't kick in and it took
> Quantum 1 month to deliver a new tray. 1 month without a backup,
> just because they decided to refuse operations with only one tray
> plugged in.

I filed the behaviour as a serious bug, but they blew me off on it. When 
you spend $85k on a robot + 8 LTO5 drives you tend to expect better 
support than that...


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