
W dniu 20 grudnia 2011 10:30 użytkownik Marcello Romani <
mrom...@ottotecnica.com> napisał:

> >> A "direct" backup from FD into a SD tape device is performed with a
> little
> >> buffering and require more computation, disk seeks and context
> switching. It
> >> is a single, complicated chain with two threads one for FD and one for
> SD
> >> connected through logical network layer (even when a full backup is
> >> performed on local machine). With this chain it is very hard to get a
> full
> >> LTO speed. As opposite when you perform SD data spooling, you can easy
> >> achieve a full LTO speed because a writing chain (despooling) in SD is
> very
> >> simple and effective. Unfortunately doing a data spool takes a long
> time and
> >> slow down an overall backup speed.
> Would be curious to know if data spooling made any difference...
> Cheers!

In my reference system I've got an average backup speed of 30-40MB/s when I
run a backup job with a FD->SD->LTO chain (without spooling) on local
machine (full backup of a few very large files). And I've got an 80MB/s
despooling speed on the same machine and LTO.

best regards

Radosław Korzeniewski
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