On 1/16/2012 4:51 AM, Moritz Herrmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm starting to implement a bacula environment.
> Now I have a problem with two jobs started at the same time. One 
> starts without error but the second throws errors while the first one 
> is running (log file)

Unless the Device (FileStorage in this case) specified in the Storage 
resource in bacula-dir.conf specifies a autochanger, then device 
FileStorage can only have one volume loaded at a time. Specifying 
MaximumVolumeJobs=1 in the Pool resource means that the FileStorage 
device cannot possibly be used by more than one job at a time. In order 
to write to multiple volumes simultaneously, you either have to 
configure multiple devices and divide the jobs amongst them or configure 
as an autochanger with multiple drives. Or you could just schedule the 
jobs to run sequentially.

> Can someone help me?
> Thanks
> Moritz Herrmann

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