The one additional thought I have is to keep the backup file set as small as 
possible; network traffic and the length of your backup window will be a 

If you have hundreds or thousands of servers, odds are that they are all 
identical - especially if they are managed by chef. So you don't need to back 
up the operating system itself, just back up whatever data varies from one 
server to the next. 

Generally, the less backup traffic you have per server, the better.

-----Original message-----
From:Matthew Macdonald-Wallace (lists) <>
Sent:Fri 09-03-2012 08:55
Subject:[Bacula-users] Scaling Bacula; 
Hi all,

I'm working on a platform at the moment which has several hundred 
servers (potentially thousands eventually) being backed up across 
various data centers using Bacula (managed via Chef).

We've got a prototype in place and it seems to work well, however 
before I deploy I'd like to try and understand a little more about the 
system resources required to run bacula.

 From previous email threads on this list, I've come to the conclusion 
that the primary bottle neck is the Back-end database, not Bacula 

We have taken the design decision to place both the Director and the 
MySQL instance on the same server - we figure that if the database or 
the bacula-daemons are down, we can't backup either way.  This server 
has 48G RAM and 10K SAS Disks so there is some flexibility surrounding 
how it is configured.

My plan was to create an 8G SWAP partition and then have 
/var/bacula-backups on one HW RAID-5 Array and /var/lib/mysql + OS on a 
second HW RAID-1 array (possibly even RAID-0 if it gives us more 
performance!) - from there I would concentrate on MySQL turning as 
opposed to anything else.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the above, or things I might have 

Thanks in advance,


P.S. If anyone knows of large-scale bacula (not enterprise) installs, 
I'd be v. interested in hearing from them!


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Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
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