-----Original message-----
From:   Juan Pablo Botero <juanpabloboterolo...@gmail.com>
Sent:   Wed 11-04-2012 20:20
Subject:        [Bacula-users] Volume Doesn't create automatically
Attachment:     inline.txt, inline.txt
To:     bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net; 
> Hello.
> When is necessary that bacula uses the next Volume i Got the 
> 511 578 092 (01:56 p.m.):
> 1-abr 12:35 bacula-sd JobId 35: Warning: mount.c:227 Open device 
> "StorageDevice" (/bks/) Volume "Vol0002" failed: ERR=dev.c:549 Could not 
> open: 
> /bks/Vol0002, ERR=No such file or directory
> The bacula-sd.conf in section Device is:
> # 
> Device {
>     Name = StorageDevice
>     Media Type = File
>     Archive Device = /bks
>     LabelMedia = yes
>     AutomaticMount = yes
>     AlwaysOpen = no
> }
> That was today; is there any value that i forgot to automatically create the 
> volume?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Cordialmente:
> Juan Pablo Botero
> Administrador de Sistemas informáticos
> Fedora Ambassador for Colombia
> http://www.jpilldev.net <http://www.jpilldev.net> 

It might be worth showing the list your Storage and Pool resources from 
bacula-dir.conf too.

Nonetheless, the first things that come to my mind with this message is:
 - Run 'ps aux | grep bacula-sd' and check who the Bacula SD is running as and 
if possible find what group it's running under.
 - Check permissions on the directory /bks/ - make sure that the user/group 
above has full permissions to this directory.
 - Does the file /bks/Vol0002 actually exist on the filesystem? If not, has the 
volume /bks/Vol0002 been manually deleted from the filesystem, without being 
deleted from the Bacula catalog?



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