On 15 January 2013 17:12, Jean-Louis Dupond <jean-lo...@dupond.be> wrote:

> I've been able to build a 64bit windows exe/dll on a Ubuntu 12.10
> system with the mingw64 from packages in Ubuntu.
> Also used OpenSSL 1.0 instead of the older versions given in the build
> docs for win32.
> I had to change some small things in the code & the build system to get
> everything building.
> The symbols file also contains issues (missing exports).
> Maby I should file a bug for this? So the build system can be improved
> a bit on Windows?
> Then its really not a big issue to build Bacula exe's.
> I did not build bat yet, only the bacula-fd exe's itself (which is
> enough for most of the users).

If you send the patch to bacula-devel and they are reasonable I don't see
why those should not be included.
I wes trying to build the Windows Bacula binaries myself with Fedora's
mingw but I dropped the task due to lack of time.

In Fedora there are some Windows binaries built inside rpms with mingw
(like the Windows Spice Agent) and is very handy [1]. All the macros and
SPEC file skeletons are in the Packaging Guidelines as well as static
libraries to be used as dependencies already compiled for Windows [2] [3].

Would you like to share your changes to the code so maybe we can contribute
to those?

[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:MinGW
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:MinGW_Old

Many thanks,

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