On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 08:45:05 +0100
Geert Stappers <geert.stapp...@vanadgroup.com> wrote:

> Thank you for the tip. I want to share another.
> It is about canceling multiple jobs. Execute from shell
>    for i in {17..21} ; do echo cancel yes jobid=404${i} | bconsole ;
> done
> Five jobs, 40417-40421, will be canceled.

A minor nitpick: the construct

for i in {17..21}; do ...

is a bashism [1], so it won't work in any POSIX shell.

A portable way to do the same is to use the `seq` program

for i in `seq 17 21`; do ...

or to maintain an explicit counter:

while [ $i -le 21 ]; do ...; i=$(($i+1)); done

1. http://www.google.com/search?q=bashism

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