On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Gary Dale <garyd...@torfree.net> wrote:
> On 31/07/13 07:14 AM, John Drescher wrote:
>>>>> Do you have attribute spooling enabled?
>>>>> John
>>>> Not so far as I can tell.
>>> Why would I want to have it enabled?
>> Normally you enable that to speed up database inserts since this
>> causes the DB inserts to happen at the end of the job (in large
>> transactions) instead of after every single file. However in this case
>> I was concerned that your differential was started before the
>> attribute inserts were finished. Remember that bacula compares what is
>> in the DB to what it finds in the filesystem to determine what has
>> changed from the full.
>> John
> But that's not the problem. The problem is that Full backup is running.
> If the Full backup was following the schedule, the issue of the
> differential backing up the files wouldn't exist.

Sorry. I caught this thread mid stream and I assumed the issue was the
Differential was backing up too many files instead of the Full running
when it was not supposed to run. I read the initial post and I think
if you restarted the director since you changed the schedule or
reloaded the configuration files this has to be a bug. Although I run
a similar schedule on several machines at work and I have not seen
this behavior so I am not sure what triggers this..


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